  • 學位論文


The study of Willingness for Agricultural Business Joining Dual System of Vocational Training

指導教授 : 張淑貞


近年來台灣農業人口逐漸老化、就業人口降低,使得農業勞動力發展需要創新並突破目前之困境,為了改善此情況,行政院勞工委員會委託泰山職訓中心執行「雙軌訓練新職類之推廣計畫—農業類」。雙軌訓練計畫最主要目的在於提供完善的人才培育系統,並且讓有意願從事農業的年輕人願意積極投入。本研究旨在探討農業事業單位其員工現況滿意度及員工背景變項對雙軌訓練計畫所提供之「時數」與「名額」之間關係研究,主要分為三項:第一,員工現況滿意度對雙軌訓練計畫所提供「時數」與「名額」之影響;第二,員工背景變項對雙軌訓練計畫所提供「時數」與「名額」之影響;第三,員工現況滿意度透過參與雙軌訓練計畫主因對事業單位所提供「時數」與「名額」之影響,作為日後推動農業雙軌訓練計畫之建議參考。本研究透過問卷調查法,以具有規模且朝向精緻農業發展之有關的事業單位、農場、農企業、與合作社(場)為研究對象,並以全台灣農業產值較高地區,依據職訓中心之五大分署進行抽樣,合計回收152份有效問卷(包含北基宜花11份、桃竹苗28份、中彰投54份、雲嘉南31份及高屏東28份)。分析結果如下: 1. 農業事業單位在參與雙軌訓練計畫前,對目前人力現況之調查的平均值為3.86,顯示在參與雙軌訓練計畫前,目前人力現況滿意度介於「普通」到「同意」之間。農業事業單位在員工背景變項對農業(場)經營與生產品質有正向影響現況之平均值為3.94,顯示農業事業單位認為員工背景變項對農業(場)經營與生產品質有正向影響程度介於「普通」到「同意」之間。最後,農業事業單位在參與農業雙軌訓練計畫主因現況之平均值為4.10,顯示農業事業單位認為參與農業雙軌訓練計畫主因現況之同意程度介於「同意」到「非常同意」之間。 2. 現階段之農業事業單位「員工現況滿意度」無法對農業事業單位所願意提供之「時數」與「名額」產生正向影響。但事業單位之「員工現況滿意度」透過「參與雙軌訓練計畫主因」會對農業事業單位所願意提供之「時數」與「名額」有正向影響。 3. 員工背景變項對農業事業單位所提供之「時數」與「名額」具有顯著正向影響。其中,對於「時數」影響較大。


To improve insufficient labor force for agricultural, the Workforce Development Agency performs a project of Dual System of Vocational Training Project. The goals of this paper are to analysis the satisfaction of employee and the willingness of agricultural business to join this project. Moreover, this paper using questionnaire to investigate the effects of satisfaction and background of employee on “hours” and “quota” which agricultural business provides, and to estimate whether these effects are influenced by joining Dual System of Vocational Training Project. Our sample focuses on the large-scaled agricultural units such as farms, farmer associations, and cooperative associations, including 152 agricultural units. Before attending the Dual System of Vocational Training Project, the average value of satisfaction of the present workforce is 3.86, implying that this satisfaction is between common and agreeable. And we find that the average value for background of employee in agriculture is 3.94, implying between common and agreeable. Furthermore, after involving into the training, the average value of the present situation of the agricultural units is 4.10, implying that between agreeable and very agreeable. The effect of present employee’s satisfaction is insignificant on agricultural units offering “hours”, while this effect has a statistical significant influenced by Dual System Training. And, the effect of the present employee’s satisfaction has a statistical insignificant on agricultural business offering “quota”, but this effect has a statistical significant influenced by Dual System Training. In addition, the direct effect of employee’s background on agricultural units offering “hours” is 0.38 and statistical significant(p=0.000)at the 5% level. Our results find that the effect of employee’s background on agricultural business offering “quota” is 0.16 and statistical significant (p=0.05). Thus, the employee’s backgrounds have a positive impact on agricultural units offering “hours” and “quota”.


(10)李右婷(2008)。運用DEMATEL 探討台德菁英計畫之促進策略。技術及職業教育學報,2(1),91-111。
