  • 學位論文


The Business Model and Strategy of Managed Printing Service

指導教授 : 楊千


本研究主要針對目前列印新興服務-列印管理服務(Managed Print Services;MPS),探討利盟股份有限公司(Lexmark)的經營管理策略, 擴展該公司市占率,使其成為列印委外的領導品牌及代表廠商。 本研究針對利盟股份有限公司(Lexmark)背景與現況進行分析,面 對目前兩大競爭公司及未來可能產生競爭者,運用五力分析與SWOT 分析,將利盟股份有限公司的經營策略進行詳細說明,並提出將來營 運策略方針,Lexmark 以最新的印表機整合資訊系統技術,提供企業及 消費者最佳的人機介面、列印品質以及最簡便的文件流程,成為全球 第一大的Printer Solution 大廠。並且致力於降低客戶的列印量,減少 列印成本。 本研究建議Lexmark 應採行產品差異化策略,強調應用解決方案 的功能及產品的特性、以領先同業的技術,提供客戶完整的文件流程 及解決方案、穩定的產品品質及售後服務,吸引客戶採用列印委外以 創造其產品的差異性,以產品的品質及技術優勢成為列印委外的領導 品牌及代表廠商。


The subject thesis is mainly to study Managed Print Service (MPS) which is one of the new services established recently in the printing industry. And explore the operation management of Lexmark’s MPS strategy which target to increase her market share and become market leader in MPS printing industry. The thesis analyzes the background and current status of Lexmark, utilize the Five Competitive Forces and SWOT tools to study her operation strategy. And highlights Lexmark’s goal in providing printers with optimal Human-Machine Interface, high printing quality, simplified document flow, reduced printing volume and printing cost. The thesis suggest Lexmark differentiate her product strategy by emphasizing her capability in printing solution which provide the customers with complete document flow and work flow, and the reliability of her products and efficiency of her customer services to attract customers to adopt her MPS services.


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