  • 學位論文


Applying Dynamic Stubbing Technique to Support Collaborative Testing of Web Application

指導教授 : 曾憲雄 黃世昆




Nowadays, large volunteers creeping on internet are usually treated as free human resources for reducing test cost and validating software, like online games and open source software. However, traditional collaborative testing design and management approach encounters the long due time and doubting test report resulting from the common preferences of users and unqualified testers, respectively. A fine-grained Web application model is essential to refine job assignments for speeding up test coverage. In this thesis, we first propose State Transition Diagram to model the users‘ runtime behaviors for decomposing Web application testing problem. Then, based on this fine-grained Web application model, a dynamic stubbing technique which allows folk testers contribute themselves in solving sub-problems with barely noticing the change of test environment is proposed for achieving faster test coverage speed and improving the quality of test report, and hence reduces the total cost of collaborative testing. The experimental results show that our proposed approach can reduce 50% test cost and increase 30% detection performance.


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