  • 學位論文


The Impact of Alignment between 4C Strategy and Web2.0 Application on Customer Relationship Performance

指導教授 : 洪為璽




顧客關係管理 連結 企業2.0 Web2.0 4C策略


In recent years, because of the increased broadband penetration and rapid growth of use of mobile devices, the use of Web2.0 technologies and utilizing the World Wide Web in a social realm is seen. Such network has been integrated into everyone’s live. Many companies see this trend start using Web2.0 to support business processes, and develop different ways to get touch with customers. Web2.0 has not only improved the efficiency of internal and external communication, but also reduced communication costs for company. In the past, there are many studies mentioning alignment between corporate strategy and information technology and suggest it has impact on organizational performance, particularly a significant and positive impact. Therefore, if the corporate strategy and Web2.0 application can be effectively and perfectly aligned, the organization will be able to significantly enhance the performance and increase organizational competitive advantage.Review of the past literature, we found that many papers explored the alignment between corporate strategy and information technology, and has not verified the alignment between corporate strategy and Web 2.0 technology application. Prior literature treats the performance of the organization as a unified concept. Few explore the details of the performance of the organization. This study focuses on the alignment between 4C strategy and Web 2.0 application and its impact on customer relationship performance. Based on 255 questionnaires, this study tends to verify a proposed research model. The results found that the alignment between 4C strategy and Web 2.0 application does have a significant and positive impact on customer relationship performance. In addition, this study also presents what kind of Web2.0 application a specific 4C strategy should be matched with in order to effectively improve customer relationship performance. Results of this study allow companies to set strategic goals, and can be a reference basis for the choice of Web2.0 applications.


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陳志昂(2013)。Web2.0應用對企業顧客關係管理績效之影響: 組織與產品類型之觀點〔碩士論文,國立中正大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201613565104
