  • 學位論文

「運動,動滋動」 幼兒園運動主題課程之行動研究

Action Research of the Sport themed curriculum in Kindergarten,「Sport, moving up」

指導教授 : 林永豐


本研究旨在探討運動主題課程對於幼兒園主題課程教學的實施與本課程提升幼兒運動能力的成效,做為未來教育工作者與相關研究的參考。本研究採用行動研究,以臺中市一所國小附設幼兒園的大班幼兒為課程實施對象,選出兩個班級,分為彩虹班與蝴蝶班共36人。由彩虹班接受連續共13週28次的運動主題課程,每次約40分鐘至1小時,蝴蝶班則依原本課程進度正常作息。 兩組皆進行幼兒運動能力(連續單腳跳、十公尺來回曲折跑、立定跳遠、二十公尺跑、手腳併走八字、單腳站立、坐姿體前彎等七個項目)前、後測。前測成績以獨立樣本t考驗分析各組同質性及課程實施後的差異;再以相依樣本t考驗來分析兩組前後測差異情形。顯著水準定為α= .05,研究結果顯示: 1.彩虹班幼兒在參與本課程後,整體而言幼兒的運動能力有明顯的進步。 2.本課程對大班幼兒在六項測驗項目上均達到「有」顯著的差異,而只有一項,即爆發力測驗項目上「無」顯著的差異。 3.彩虹班明顯優於蝴蝶班皆達到顯著水準( p<.0 5)。 由此可見,本研究發現運動主題課程對於提升幼兒運動能力有極大的幫助。因此幼兒運動應該融入於幼兒日常作息與主題課程中,成為幼兒生活中的一部分,所以建議讓運動課程成為幼兒園主題課程中必須設置的課程之一。 關鍵詞:幼兒、幼兒體能、主題課程、運動能力


The study aims to explore the implementation of the Sport themed curriculum in Kindergarten, the research approach, and the improvement of child exercise compatibility by using theme curriculum, as a reference for educators and research in the future. This study recruited Action Research participants in the experiment are from the senior class members of a Taichung City Kindergarten. The researcher chose two classes, and the total is thirty-six children. The experimental group adopted twenty-eight in-class activities within thirteen weeks; each activity lasts forty to sixty minutes, one time a week. On the contrary, the control group remains intact. In the end, both groups were examined by child exercise compatibility pre- and post- test. The researcher chose one of the following: continuous hop, 10- meter to run back and forth withtwists and turns, one- step long- jump , 20 - meter running, hands and feet and to walk around the horoscopes, standing on one foot, sit - and - reach exercise. The pre- test data was analyzed to seek similarities and differences between the pre - experiment and post- experiment by an independent sample t- test. The differences between the pre- and post- tests are examined by a dependent sample t- test. The alpha level is fixed to .05, and the result showed that with the dependent sample t- test. The information shows: 1.Thesport theme curriculum activities enhanced children’s exercise compatibility. 2.This course achieves significant differences to experimental groupin six sports ability testing items, except explosive force. 3.The participants in experimental group performed better and showed a significant level (p < .05), compared with the control group, when doing the seven sports ability testing items in post- test. The study could be adapted to course design of kindergarten. Therefore, child exercise should assimilate into the daily routine and theme curriculum of children, it can become a part of their life. A suggestion would be that a sport class should be one of the basic themesin the kindergarten curriculum. Key Words: child, child physical strength, theme curriculum, exercise compatibility




許炫美(2017)。兒歌融入幼兒園主題課程 之行動研究〔碩士論文,國立清華大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0016-0401201816002044
