  • 學位論文


Effect of environmental factors, substrates and fertilizers on growth and flowering of nobile type Dendrobium

指導教授 : 呂廷森


本研究以春石斛蘭Dendrobium Lucky Girl與Dendrobium Snowflake ‘Red Star’為試驗材料,探討栽培之環境因子與肥培管理對春石斛蘭營養生長和生殖生長之影響。 以30/16℃的日/夜環境溫度與35/25℃、30/20℃相比更適合D. Lucky Girl之營養生長(如假球莖高度、徑寬、節數及根系生長指數),且開花能力較佳,過高的溫度(35/25℃)影響植株之開花能力(植株開花率0%),顯示春石斛蘭適合栽培於白天溫暖但日夜溫差大的地方。以660 μmol·m-2·s-1、460μmol·m-2·s-1、260μmol·m-2·s-1、60 μmol·m-2·s-1四種不同光照強度栽培D. Lucky Girl,結果以光照660與460 μmol·m-2·s-1為適合營養生長(如假球莖高度、徑寬、節數、根系)與開花之光照強度。光照60 μmol·m-2·s-1下之植株假球莖抽高,且扁而瘦長,因光照不足而產生徒長現象。低光照環境下葉片之厚度變薄,葉片較長,葉緣指數增加及葉片與假球莖之夾角增大。以低於460 μmol·m-2·s-1的光照栽培,止葉形成率低,假球莖不成熟,植株不具開花能力。D. Lucky Girl以澆水頻度每4天一次栽培可養成高而粗壯之假球莖,有最多葉片且根系生長良好,隨著澆水頻度的減少,植株之假球莖較矮而瘦,節數與葉片數也減少。澆水頻度16天/次雖未使植株萎凋,但卻明顯減緩生長。於營養生長期時澆水頻度大於12天/次將明顯降低植株之開花能力與開花表現。 水苔介質通氣性佳且保水力良好,以水苔為介質栽培D. Lucky Girl與其他混合介質(水苔+歐洲蝴蝶蘭帅苗專用介質、水苔+歐洲蝴蝶蘭定植上盆專用介質、水苔+椰纖、水苔+椰塊)相比,營養生長表現(假球莖之高度、節數、總葉片數、根系生長)與開花能力佳,植株開花率達100%。以水苔為介質栽培D. Snowflake ‘Red Star’ 與其他介質相比(椰塊、粗歐、細歐)營養生長表現亦佳。而以水苔+椰塊為栽培介質或單獨以椰塊栽培春石斛蘭,假球莖之明度(Lightness,L*值)高,顏色較為明亮。 春石斛蘭之營養生長栽培適合施用高氮、低磷、高鉀之肥料來提高生長表現。於四月份施用Peters 30N-10P2O5-10K2O或20N-20P2O5-20K2O肥料至九月份停止,可增加D. Snowflake ‘Red Star’假球莖高度、節數與徑寬等生長表現,但施肥期的改變對營養生長影響不大。若於營養生長旺盛期間施用低氮的肥料(Peters 4N-25P2O5-35K2O),則影響植株品質。 D. Lucky Girl的肥培管理,於春季施用化學肥料Peters 30N-10P2O5- 10K2O,且於夏季施用20N-20P2O5-20K2O與9N-45P2O5-15K2O肥料外,另搭配油粕肥料的施用。於四月份添加油粕肥料,施肥期越長,假球莖之總可溶性固形物含量增加,除促進營養生長外,也可望提高生殖生長。於D. Lucky Girl葉面上噴施濃度105 mg/L、175 mg/L、350 mg/L、700 mg/L的鈣肥,對假球莖高度與徑寬影響不大,但會略微減少假球莖的節數與總葉片數;高濃度的鈣肥(350 mg/L、700 mg/L)則會增加葉緣的波浪狀程度。噴施700 mg/L的鈣肥明顯提高植株開花率,卻降低開花節數、節上開花率等開花表現。


Dendrobium Lucky Girl and Dendrobium Snowflake'Red Star'were used to study the effect of different environmental factors and fertilizer management on vegetative growth and flowering. Compared with 35/25 and 30/20℃, day/night temperature at 30/16℃is more suitable for vegetative growth (including pseudobulb height、diameter、node number and root system) and flowering for D. Lucky Girl. High temperature (35/25℃) will prevent the ability of flowering. The result suggests that nobile-type Dendrobium is suitable for cultivation in the warm place in daytime and have large temperature difference between day and night. Using four different light intensity to cultivate D. Lucky Girl, the results showed that light intensity at 660 and 460 μmol·m-2·s-1 is more suitable for vegetative growth (including pseudobulb height、diameter、node number and root system) and flowering. Light intensity (60 μmol·m-2·s-1) resulted with thin pseudobulb, and elongated growth, in addition to long leaf, more waving in leaf margin and the angle between stem and leaf became larger. Light intensity less than 460 μmol·m-2·s-1 caused a low terminal leaf formation rate, immature pseudobulb and no flowering ability. Watering frequency of 4 days interval increased strong pseudobulb, more leaves and better root system in D. Lucky Girl. When reducing watering frequency, pseudobulb became short and thin, node number and leaves decreased . Watering frequency as 16 days/time, did not withering the plant but reduce the growth. If watering frequency longer than 12 days/time, will significantly reduced flowering ability and flower performance. Sphagnum medium has good ventilation and good water retention, use sphagnum as medium to cultivate D. Lucky Girl compare to other potting mix (Sm+Ym、Sm+Mp、Sm+Cf、Sm+Cb) have good vegetative growth and flowering ability. Use sphagnum as medium to cultivate D. Snowflake 'Red Star'compare to other medium(Cb、Mp、Ym) also have good vegetative growth. Use Sm+Cb as medium,pseudobulb has bright color. It's suitable to use high nitrogen、low phosphorus and high potassium as fertilizer formulae to growth nobile-type Dendrobium, such as Peters 30N-10P2O5-10K2O or 20N-20P2O5-20K2O. Start fertilizer at April and use Peters 30N-10P2O5-10K2O or 20N-20P2O5-20K2O until September, can increase pseudobulb height、diameter、node number in D. Snowflake 'Red Star' , but fertilizer period has less effect on growth. If use low nitrogen fertilizer (Peters 4N-25P2O5-35K2O) at vegetative growth may cause low growth rate. Use chemical fertilizers Peters 30N-10P2O5-10K2O in the spring, and 20N-20P2O5-20K2O、9N-45P2O5-15K2O in the summer, also adding meal fertilizer as the fertilizer management on D. Lucky Girl. Adding meal fertilizer at April and the longer fertilizer period has more total soluble solids content in the pseudobulb. Adding meal fertilizer can promote vegetative growth and reproductive growth. Spray 105、175、350、700 mg/L calcium fertilizer on D. Lucky Girl's leaves, has less effect on pseudobulb height and diameter, but reduce the node numbers and total leaves count. High concen-tration of calcium fertilizer (350、700 mg/L) will increase status of leaf margin and showed more waving. Spray 700 mg/L calcium fertilizer can obvious improve flowering pot data, but lower flowering performance.


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