  • 學位論文


Analytic Hierarchy Process An Analysis on the Key Factors for Promoting Low-carbon Communities

指導教授 : 王順成 白子易


這百年來地球暖化所造成的氣候變化,已對全球自然生態和社會經濟帶來顯著的不利影響,未來的氣候變化更會對全球造成深遠與巨大的傷害。因此,人類必須即刻採取各項改善氣候變化的措施,降低對地球的不利影響。「節能減碳」已成為世界已開發國家乃至開發中國家極其重視與戮力推動之政策。 本研究旨在探討「推動低碳社區關鍵因素」,目的在提供政府推動低碳社區之規劃及社區執行時的參考。研究過程首先經由文獻之探討分析,歸納整併政府於2010年於每個縣市推動「低碳社區」相關的評估指標,並綜合歸納「生態綠化」、「低碳建築/節能」、「低碳交通」、「資源循環」、「再生能源」及「落實低碳生活」等6個面向為評估要素完成專家問卷,採用層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)設計,經由各個構面探討其項下各評估要素及準則之相對權重值,最後歸納出相對權重及絕對權重之評估項目,可供政府及社區團體作為推動「低碳社區」規劃之參考依據。 由 AHP 成對比較過程,獲得要素間相對重要性的權重值,建立權重優先順序,以提供相關單位有參考價值之訊息。分析結果如后: 一、在目標層下的評估要素,分析整體專家認為優先順序為:「生態綠化」(0.244)、「低碳建築/節能」(0.201)、「再生能源」(0.179)、「資源循環」(0.142)、「低碳交通」(0.135)、「低碳生活」(0.100)。 二、在「生態綠化」項下要素準則,分析整體專家認為優先順序為:「植栽綠化(含喬木、灌木)」(0.340),「湖泊水池」(0.166),「透水路面設施」(0.144),「草坪或草花、花圃綠化」(0.140),「遮棚.涼亭.騎樓等遮蔭設施」(0.116),最後為「牆面或屋頂綠化」(0.095)。 三、在「低碳建築/節能」項下要素準則,分析整體專家認為優先順序為:「家庭用電節能/空調、照明、家電」(0.291) 、「綠建築與綠建材(含低碳裝修)」(0.260)、「社區公共用電節能」(0.139)、「路燈照明節能」(0.109)、「智慧電網節能控制」(0.105)、「LED交通號誌」(0.096)。 四、在「低碳交通」項下要素準則,分析整體專家認為優先順序為:「捷運」(0.301)、「友善行人步道」(0.198)、「公車、低碳公車」(0.197)、「社區棄車共乘系統」(0.148)、「電動車系統」(0.105)、「自行車道系統及出租自行車系統」(0.096)。 五、在「資源循環」項下要素準則,分析整體專家認為優先順序為:「社區資源回收系統」(0.220)、「省水器材使用」(0.210)、「社區雨水、中水回收」(0.191)、「社區廚餘、堆肥系統」(0.182)、「生態污水循環(人工濕地)」(0.112)、「再生建材人行道或道路系統」(0.096)。 六、在「再生能源」項下要素準則,分析整體專家認為優先順序為:「太陽能熱水」(0.263)、「太陽能光電」(0.192)、「風力發電」(0.175)、「造林」(0.141)、「生質能利用」(0.122)、「小水力發電」(0.106)。 七、在「低碳建築/節能」項下要素準則,分析整體專家認為優先順序為:「社區綠色採購系統」(0.233)、「社區自給農園」(0.222)、「社區低碳教育活動」(0.170)、「社區產業」(0.143)、「社區低碳創意活動」(0.131)、「社區低碳民宿觀光」(0.102)。 八、就整體權重,最優先重視的前5項要素準則依序為:「植栽綠化(含喬木、灌木)」(0.169)、「綠建築與綠建材(含低碳裝修)」(0.095)、「湖泊水池」(0.088)、「草坪或草花花圃綠化」(0.066)及「捷運」(0.059) 。


Over the past century, the climate change caused by global warming has had significant adverse effects on global natural ecology and social economy. The future climate change may further do far-reaching and significant damages to the earth. Therefore, human beings have to take urgent measures for improving climate change to reduce the adverse effects on the earth. Developed and developing countries around the world have attached important to and promoted the policy of carbon reduction and energy saving. This study aims to investigate the key factors for promoting low-carbon communities, in order to provide relevant information as reference for the government to plan the promotion of low-carbon communities during the implementation of communities. According to the literature review and analysis, this study summarized the evaluation indictors related to the government’s promotion of low-carbon communities in each county/city in 2011, and proposed six aspects, namely ecological greening, low-carbon architecture, low-carbon transportation, resource recycling, renewable energy, and implementation of low-carbon life, as the evaluation indicators for completing the expert questionnaire survey. This study used Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to investigate the relative weights of each evaluation indicator and criterion in each aspect. This study summarized some feasible policies as reference for the planning of promotion of low-carbon communities. This study obtained the weight values of relative importance among elements from the AHP pairwise comparison, and established the weight priority sequence for references of related units. The analysis results are as follows: 1. Regarding the assessment factors of the target layer, the overall priority sequence suggested by experts is: “ecological forestation” (0.244), “low-carbon building/energy conservation” (0.201), “renewable energy” (0.179), “resource recycling” (0.142), “low-carbon transport” (0.135), “low-carbon life” (0.100). 2. Regarding element criteria of “ecological afforestation”, the overall priority sequence suggested by experts is: “greenery (including trees and shrubs)” (0.340), “lakes and pools” (0.166), “permeable pavement” (0.144), “lawns or flowers, or gardens” (0.140), “shelters, pavilions, arcades and other shading facilities” (0.116), and “wall or roof greenery” (0.095). 3. Regarding element criteria of “low-carbon building/energy conservation”, the overall priority sequence suggested by experts is: “household power saving/air-conditioning, lighting, household appliances” (0.291), “green buildings and green building materials (including low-carbon decoration)” (0.260), “community public power saving” (0.139), “street lighting energy conservation” (0.109), “smart power grid power saving control” (0.105), and “LED traffic signals” (0.096). 4. Regarding element guidelines under the item of “low-carbon transport”, the overall priority sequence suggested by experts is: “MRT” (0.301), “pedestrian-friendly pedestrian trail” (0.198), “bus, low-carbon bus” (0.197), “community carpool system” (0.148), “electric vehicle systems” (0.105), and “bike lanes and bicycle rental system” (0.096). 5. Regarding element criteria of “resource recycling”, the overall priority sequence suggested by experts is: “community resource recovery system” (0.220), “utility of water saving equipment” (0.210), “community rainwater and waste water recovery” (0.191), “community sewage composting system” (0.182), “ecological wastewater recycling (artificial wetlands)” (0.112), and “sidewalk or road systems by recycled building materials” (0.096). 6. Regarding element criteria of “renewable energy”, the overall priority sequence suggested by experts is: “solar hot water” (0.263), “photovoltaic system” (0.192), “wind power” (0.175), “afforestation” (0.141), “biomass utilization” (0.122), and “small-scale hydropower generation” (0.106). 7. Regarding element criteria of “low-carbon building/energy conservation”, the overall priority sequence suggested by experts is: “community green procurement system” (0.233), “community self-sufficient farm” (0.222), “community low-carbon educational activities” (0.170), “community industry” (0.143), “community low-carbon creational activities” (0.131), and “community low-carbon B&B tourism” (0.102). 8. Regarding overall weight, the top five element criteria by priority are: “greenery (including trees and shrubs)” (0.169), “green buildings and green building materials (including low-carbon decoration)” (0.095), “lakes and pools” (0.088), “greenery by lawns, flowers or gardens” (0.066) and “MRT” (0.059).


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