  • 學位論文


A Study on Customer Value Analysis of Creative Doll Products

指導教授 : 賴 志 松 楊 文 華


早期台灣的產業背景原是以製造業與OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturing)起家,當轉型至具有藝術、創意元素的文化創意產業時,勢必需歷經一些時間進行轉換。這幾年文化創意產業的發展,是在潮流的帶動下才漸漸興盛起來。但是文化創意產業根基尚未穩固,標榜著創意等於「無價」的口號,如何讓它有價而且更具商業化,重點在於消費者的購買決策與顧客價值,這也是該產業的利基所在。本研究運用二階段探索研究方式,第一階段採用行為事例訪談法,訪談12位購買創意偶類產品的消費者,探討其經過消費歷程而產生的顧客決策因素;但由於無法從中暸解何種因素最具重要性,因此再以AHP法建立階層架構以進行因素間權重之比較,問卷發放對象是以具有創意偶類產品之購買經驗的上班族與學生為主,問卷受測歷程中採1對1面訪方式進行問卷的填寫,並提供創意偶類產品的實體展示,使受測者藉由其情境的建立能更深入了解其問卷題意,問卷發放共計25份,回收25份,經過一致性之檢驗,共3份問卷予以刪除,有效問卷共22份,有效率為88%。 研究結果發現四大構面中功能(31.3%)與品質構面(28.9%)幾乎同等重要,位居主次排序;功能構面中又以實用性(26%)為重;品質構面中則以質感(66%)為重;情緒構面以愉悅(39.3%)為重;限量構面以產品價格(42.3%)為重,兩大族群間對於構面中消費因素排序也有其差異處。即偶類創意產品除了具有實用性功能外,若也具其他附加之功能,對於偶類創意產品的消費者來說,其產品接受度將大為提高。


Cultural & creativities industry is an emerging and will be the future star industry. The purpose of this study attempts to understand consumers'' decision-making and experiences of creative doll products by face-to-face interview based on AHP questionnaire. The target for interview includes workers and students who had purchased creative dolls experience. The total of 25 questionnaires are issued and retrieved. Three questionnaires are deleted through the test of consistency, therefore the valid questionnaire amounts to 22, 88% to be effective. Among the four first level decision-making factors (function, quality, mood, and limited edition), function is the most important (31.3%) and quality (28.9%) the next. In the second level factors, the most important in function factor is practicability (26%), feeling (66%) in quality factor, joyful (39.3%) in mood factor, and price (42.3%) in limited edition.


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