  • 學位論文


A Study on the influence Factors of the Consumer's Willingness to Alternative Energy in Taiwan

指導教授 : 蔡碩倉博士


台灣傳統發電能源面臨能源危機與環保問題,推動替代能源以維持經濟發展為當務之急。瞭解消費者面對替代能源使用意願與影響使用意願之因素,乃政府與發電業者發展替代能源重要依據。故本研主要探討使用替代能源的消費者類型、瞭解不同消費者類型之消費意願及差異並分析影響替代能源使用意願之因素,擬訂具體建議以提供政府、台灣電力公司或民間企業開發替代能源之參考。 研究結果顯示,使用替代能源的消費者區分為「本位主義型」、「樂觀進取型」、「自私自利型」、「樂天知足型」、「悲天憫人型」5種生活型態的消費者類型。「自私自利型」消費者替代能源消費意願偏低,「悲天憫人型」、「樂觀進取型」消費者替代能源消費意願偏高。替代能源使用意願與消費者類型相關性較高,與人口統計變數相關性較小。另影響替代能源使用意願之因素依序為「我覺得使用替代能源能善盡社會責任」、「我會因為保護環境而使用替代能源」、「替代能源的發展還未成熟,相對成本也較貴,所以我不會選擇使用替代能源」、「面臨能源或環保抗爭危機政府應鼓勵替代能源研究發展」、「使用替代能源可以減少環境的破壞」、「我會因為法令奬勵(例如政府補助)而使用替代能源」、「使用替代能源可以解決石油危機」。


The traditional energy source in Taiwan is facing problems of energy crisis and environmental protection, therefore, promoting alternative energy to maintain economic development is an urgent issue. Understanding consumers’ willingness to use alternative energy and the influence factors of their willingness could be served as important reference to the development of alternative energy. Therefore, this study discussed the consumer types of alternative energy their willingness and differences, and the influence factors of their willingness. The suggestions are provided to government, Taiwan Power Company, and private energy developers as references. The results showed that the consumers willing to use alternative energy could be categorizes into five types, “selfish departmentalism”, “optimistic and aggressive”, “self-centered”, “optimistic and contented”, and “empathetic”. The willingness of “self-centered” consumers is low, that of “empathetic” and “optimistic and aggressive” is high. The correlation between the willingness and consumer types is high, and that with demographic variables is low. The influence factors of the willingness include “I feel that I am responsible for using alternative energy to contribute to the society”, “I use alternative energy for reason of environmental protection”, “When the development of alternative energy is not yet mature, the relative cost is high, therefore, I would not choose to use alternative energy”, “Due to energy crisis and environmental protest, the government should encourage the research and development of alternative energy”, “Using alternative energy could reduce damage to the environment”, “I would use alternative energy due to statutory rewards (such as government subsidy)”, “Using alternative energy could resolve the petroleum crisis.”


魏鼎耀(2005)。目的地意象、知覺價值 與遊後行為意圖關係之研究。台南市:國立成功大學交通管理學系碩士論文。
