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Damning Damming Modernity: The Destructive Role of Megadams



在亞洲,二十世紀末及二十一世紀初見證了高度擴張的超級水壩建築。在許多案例裡這些水壩弊多於利。這些計畫是現代化工具主義心態的縮影,我們必須重加思考,尤其是從氣候變化及計畫的長期損害的觀點。美國的胡佛水壩是這些計畫中的第一樁,其效用正瀕臨終結,暗示著亞洲的許多水壩也可能遭受同樣命運。亞洲許多超級大壩建築所在的河流是由西藏高原的喜馬拉雅冰川系統供水,但是氣候變化造成冰川後退,改變未來水的可利用性,而改變中的降雨模式可能在一區造成洪水氾濫,卻在另一區造成乾旱。尤有甚者,這些水壩會因造成田地鹽化而阻斷大自然的程序,使田地不適於農業耕作。由琳達‧荷根(Linda Hogan)到阿倫答提‧羅伊(Arundhati Roy)到石牟禮道子(Ishimure Michiko),許多作家都起而反對這些做法。他們的書寫提醒我們壩中之水失掉了流動之水生態上的完整無損。生態的認知也警告我們不要接受個別事件的心態,而忽略了氣候變化的衝擊,將每一件水壩計畫認為無關乎其他計畫,也無關乎長期的環境變化。


In Asia, the latter twentieth and early twenty-first centuries have witnessed an extraordinary expansion of mega-dam building. In many cases these dams cause more harm than good. These projects, which epitomize the instrumental mindset of modernity, need to be reconsidered, especially in light of climate change and their long term damage. Hoover dam in the U.S. constituted the first of these projects and its usefulness is coming to an end, suggesting that many dams in Asia may suffer a similar fate. Many of the megadam projects in Asia are being built on rivers fed by the Himalayan glacier system on the Tibetan plateau, yet climate change is altering the future availability of water due to glacial retreat, while changing rainfall patterns may cause flooding in one region and drought in another. Further, these dams have interrupted natural processes with resulting salinization of fields making them unproductive for agriculture. Many writers have spoken against these practices from Linda Hogan to Arundhati Roy to Ishimure Michiko. Their writings remind us that flowing water has an ecological integrity that dammed water has lost. Further, an ecological understanding warns us not to accept the discrete incident mentality that ignores the impact of climate change and treats every dam project as if it was unrelated to other projects and unrelated to long term environmental changes.


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