

對高雄市小港國中2637名學生加以問卷調查,其呼吸道症狀,及以屏東縣林邊國中1126名學生為對照組相比較,其結果發現小港國中男生有較多人有流鼻水、鼻塞、鼻癢、經常咳嗽、運動後呼吸困難、眼睛發癢、經常揉眼睛及濕疹等,女生有較多人有打噴涕、流鼻水、鼻塞、鼻癢、挖鼻孔、氣候改變時症狀加劇、經常感冒、咳嗽不止、眼睛發癢、經常揉眼睛、皮膚過敏等、雙親中也有較多人有經常咳嗽、過敏性鼻炎、過敏性皮膚炎、兄弟中亦較多人有經常感冒、濕疹、皮膚過敏等等可見空氣污染之影響。 部份學生之抽血檢查結果發現小港國中學生之血清IgG降低(1270.8±19.5mg/dl比1343.5±32.1mg/dl),IgE升高(279.5±0.33 IU/ml比117.07±0.38 IU/ml),B細胞數升高(30.8±0.5比28.4±0.5%),PHA係數下降(85.59±0.28比93.51±0.21),ConA係數下降(34.67±0.25比80.27±0.21),PWM係數上升(44.06±0.29比34.55±0.24)血淸IL-2稍升(1.44±0.07比1.11±0.05)均呈有意義之差異。 血清B型肝炎抗原之陽性率檢查小港國中,男生為28.1%女生為14.0%,總數為21.9%,林邊國中男生為31.7%,女生為20.6%,總數為26.2%。小港國中低於林邊國中生。 因為小港國中位於高雄市臨海工業區內,各種工業林立,且工廠作業員工數萬人每日均以機車為上下班之交通工具,空氣污染全省首推一指,高雄市與屏東縣之水源供給同一來源,本結果期望能引起共識,期改善空氣污染。




The present study was a questionnaire evaluation of 2637 Hsiao-Kang junior school students at Kaohsiung city(“a high pollution area”)and 1126 Lin-Pien junior school students at Ping-Tung county(“a low pollution area”). Rhinorrhea, nasal obstruction, nasal itching, eye itching, eye tearing, cough, exertional dyspnea and skin eczema were occurred more frequently in the male children of Hsiao-Kang junior school than in these of Lin-Pien junior school. Rhinorrhea, nasal obstruction, nasal itching, frequent colds and skin allergy occurred more frequently in female children of Hsiao-Kang junior school children. These results were correlated with the heavy air pollution in Hsiao-Kang area. The results of immunological examinations revealed low serum IgG(1270.05±19.5mg/dl vs 1343.5±32.1mg/dl),high serum IgE(279.05±0.33IU/ml vs 117.07±0.38 IU/ml), high B cell count(30.8±0.5 vs 28.5±0.5), low PHA proliferative index(85.59±0.28 vs 93.51±0.21), low ConA index(34.67±0.25 vs 80.27±0.21),and high PWM index(44.06±0.29 vs 34.55±0.34)in children of Hsiao-Kang junior school. Howevr, the rates of serum HbsAg were 28.1% in males, 14.0%in females and 21.9% in total average, which were lower than that in Lin-Pien Junior school(31.7%,20.6%and 26.2% respectively). The low serum HBsAg rates at Hsiao-Kang area seems suggest that the socioeconomic level in this area was not lower than Ping-Tung county. Since the Kao-hsiung city is the main heavy industrial area of Taiwan, and for a long time, the negligence of air pollution control in favor of economic growth and industrial development has seriously damage the human health. We hope this situation will change and the health will be improved too.


air pollution human immunity allergy
