  • 期刊


A Study on the Adaptability of the Climate Generator Model of CLIGEN to the Simulation of the Effective Rainfall Events in Northern Taiwan




Using the climate generator model of CLIGEN, continuous daily climate data can be used to generate the parameters related to rainfall. These parameters can be used in the equations for evaluating soil erosion, such as the WEPP and the RUSLE models. The CLIGEN model has been developed to a mature stage in the continent of the United State, however, the adaptability of the model in the other areas is still unknown. Therefore, in this study, the effective rainfall events for soil erosion in northern Taiwan were simulated and compared with the historic data from 1975 to 2000. Parameters verified in this study were annual mean rainfall amount, monthly rainfall distribution, rainfall intensity, standard deviation, probability of rainfall event and rainfall erosivity. The results showed that the simulations of rainfall amount, monthly rainfall distribution and the probability of rainfall were good; however, standard deviation, rainfall intensity and rainfall erosivity were underestimated. The reasons for this may be because the CLIGEN model was established by using the continental climate data, which mainly consisted of the rainfalls with medium and low intensity. However, the Taiwan island is in a monsoon area, accordingly, the rainfall intensities are frequently very high because of typhoons.


