  • 期刊


Analysis of Bed Material Grain Size Distribution Using Digital Photosieving


河床質係由不同大小及形狀之泥砂與礫石顆粒所組成,對河床糙度、形貌與河川樓地型態有極大之影響。傳統之河床質粒径分布調查方式費時耗力,近年來數位科技長足進步,使用數位相機拍照採樣並結合光篩軟體進行影像處理與粒逕分析,不但可增進調查工作之效率與便利性,更可大幅減少耗費之人力與成本。 本研究對目前唯一套針對河床質粒逕分析之光篩軟體做一完整介紹與參數檢定,並利用八種不同粒逕組合與幹乾濕狀況進行結果驗證。研究結果顯示使用光篩軟體進行粒逕分析具有高度可行性,本研究對後續使用光篩軟體分析河床質粒逕分布亦提供具體之建議。


Bed material is composed of sands and gravels with different sizes and shapes, and affects the bed roughness, and habitat morphology, Traditional methods for analyzing the bed material grain size distribution are labor intensive and time consuming. Recent advancement in digital technology makes it possible to sample the bed material with digital cameras and quantify the grain size distribution with image processing and analysis software; thus significantly improves the sampling efficiency and lowers the costs. In this work we first introduce the only available photo-sieving software that is specifically designed for bed material grain size analysis, and perform parameters calibration. Eight combinations of uniform and mixed-size grains with dry and wet conditions are used to test anti verify the software. The results clearly indicate the feasibility of the photo-sieving software foe the grain sloe analysis. Some practical suggestions ace also proposed for future applications of the software.


