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Development of a Computerized Dimension Measurement System for Aquatic Organisms




海功號試驗船1986~1992赴北太平洋亞北極過渡區(subartcic transitionaldomain)進行溫鹽探測及漁獲試驗顯示:夏季結束時,由於亞北極水域之增溫,亞北極海洋鋒面漸不明顯時,赤魷,藍鯧,長鰭鮪等亞熱帶魚類穿越亞北極鋒(subarcticfront)而進入高生產區之亞北極水域覓食。因此除秋季外,亞北極鋒可作為亞熱帶魚類洄游之北界,為漁場判別之一良好指標。本文使用Kowalik之數值模式,以風吹應力為唯一之驅動力外,計算北太平洋二個半永久性氣旋及反氣旋所衍生之海流流場,二個氣旋及反氣旋派流場交界處即亞北極海洋鋒面處,數值模擬之位置與實際觀測之鋒面位置仍有2~4°之差異,其位置亦和赤魷漁場重心加以比較呈現有相當程度之穩合,未來為提高漁場位置預測之準確度,更複雜之數值模式顯有須要。


尺寸 長度 寬度 量測


Between 1986-1992 the Conductivity Temperature Depth(CTD)observation and gillnetoperation at the Subarctic Transitional Domain(STD)of North Pacific Ocean(NPO)wasconducted by the R/V HAI-KUNG of Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute(between159°E-164°E, 39°N-45°N).In lately summer the Subarctic Front(SF)is not clearly defineddue to the northward increase of water temperature.Meanwhile,flying squid,pomfret,yellowtail,and albacore pass over the SF and migrate into the Subarctic Domain(SD)to feed.Except in Autumn the SF(northern boundary of Subarctic Transitional Domain)may serve as a northern boundary line to these Subtropical water fish.as well as a goodindex for location of the fishing grounds.This study follows the Kowalik(1980)numerical model,using the average wind stressfield(1958-1983)in NPO as the only driving force to calculate the average volumetransport stream function and the position of the boundary line(Subarctic Front)originatedfrom the Cyclonic and Anticyclonic Gyre in the NPO.The position of the observed front and calculated front have 2-4°latitude degreesdifference and they are also compared with the position of flying squid central grounds.To improve the prediction of the actual position of thc fishing grounds,a more accuratenumerical model must be formulated in the future.


Dimension Length Width Measurement
