  • 期刊


The Administration of the Military Households and Their Disputes over Military Service in the Chiang-hsi Guards and Battalions during the Ming-Ch'ing Period


明代以世襲軍籍約束軍户,藉以確保軍役。軍户户籍的管理,關係到軍役能否順利繼補,也關係到軍民分籍下户役制度能否切實遵守。明初以來規定軍户不得分户,軍户户口散居在原籍與衛所,分由原籍地州縣與衛所各自造册管理。僉選軍役時,常因衛軍詭報户籍或妄扳不應應役之人而產生糾紛。如被妄扳者屬民籍,應由管軍衙門約會有司官一同審查。明初重武輕文的風氣尚存,府州縣官的品級又相對輕於衛所官,常不能與之抗衡。正統以後,清軍工作改由司府州縣主導,為地方官介入衛所事務帶來了契機。萬曆以後,地方官更直接介入衛所軍役的僉選,地方文武官的關係呈現逆轉的趨勢,武官地位低落。 入清以後,江西衛所因為漕運功能而殘存下來。順治十二年,漕運總督蔡士英提出「計屯起運」說,屯漕關係逐步確立。也因此,有關軍役的糾紛,常與屯田、漕運有關。軍戶為減輕本身的軍役負擔,或請求以民田協濟,或混爭民種絕屯,或牽連原無漕運義務的衛所軍丁,有時更妄扳民戶為軍。而衛弁為求上下其手,竄改冊籍甚至偽造另冊的素例也屢見不鮮。地方官有時也會為了完成漕運任務,縱容衛官衛軍妄扳無辜。一般說來,由終清代的衛所已無軍事任務,衛所軍只負責漕運,因此在軍役的認定上標率較為寬鬆,承耕絕戶屯的民戶也有幫貼軍役之責,這與明代相較,可以說在相當程度上擴大了軍役的範圍。


明清時代 江西 衛所 軍戶管理 軍役糾紛


To secure adequate military service, the Ming government made the military households hereditary. The administration of the military-household registrations was therefore significant to the maintenance of the national household and duty systems. It affected not only the continuation of military service but also the justice in dividing the population into civilian and military households. Since the early Ming, military households were not permitted to divide, and their members were confined to their native places or Guards and Battalions (wei-so 衛所). Their household registrations were maintained individually by the local governments and the wei-so. However, when it was time to answer the call for military service, disputes always arose had the wei-so soldiers misrepresented their household registrations or turned up someone who was not accountable for the military service. If the latter was a civilian, both the related military and civilian offices would conduct the investigation. However, as long as the local officials ranked lower than their wei-so counterparts and the prejudice persisted that valued military over civil performance, the civil office was always disadvantaged. This situation had gradually improved, due to the local officials' participation in administrating the wei-so in order to perform their new duty of troop purification (ch'ing-chün 清軍) since 1436. After 1537, the direct involvement of local governments in the selection of candidates to the military service also reversed the gravity between the civil and military officials. Due to its grain transport functions, the Chiang-hsi wei-so lingered on into the Ch'ing dynasty. In 1655, Director-general of Grain Transport Ts'ai Shih-ying proposed that the quota of transportation-troops be based on the quantities of the military farmlands and transport vessels, and the farmers pay part of the transportation cost. This gradually linked the military farms with the transportation duties. Consequently disputes over military service were always related to military farms and grain transport. In order to lessen their own duties, the military households would have requested civilian farmers to defray part of the transportation cost, fought with civilians over farming the lands of an heirless military household, implicated their wei-so peers who were not responsible for transport duties, or even framed up civilian as military households. On their part to profiteer, the wei-so officers would have tampered with the household registrations or even resorted to forgery. In order to fulfill their transportation duties, some local officials tolerated the wei-so officers and soldiers who implicated the innocent. In general, since the wei-so of the Ch'ing dynasty had no military duties other than grain transportation, the requirements of military service were rather relaxed, and civilians farming the lands of an heirless military household were also asked to help with military service. All these, compared to the Ming practice, largely expanded the coverage of military service.


于志嘉 Yue, Chih-Chia(2001)。明代江西衛所屯田與漕運的關係。中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊 Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology Academia Sinica。72(2)
于志嘉 Yue, Chih-Chia(2001)。明代江西衛所屯田與漕運的關係。中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊 Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology Academia Sinica。72(2)


