  • 期刊


Types of Users' Behavior Changes with Participating Edible Landscaping




都市農業 認知 態度 行為


The aim of environmentally responsible behavior is to not only promote the individual's cognitive awareness but to also cultivate the individual's ability to put the behavior into practice, hence instructing people how to face environmental problems. Consequently, this research aims to demonstrate the positive effects on cognition, attitudes, and behaviors in terms of experiencing edible landscaping implementation. Results indicated that participants show more cognition and acknowledge edible landscaping the most during the experiencing process, and are also are more willing to continue the particular practice. Although participants may support practicing edible landscaping continuously afterward, the participating attitudes and the willingness to continue were found to be decreasing. Besides, characteristics of a participant's background can lead to distinct outcomes. Particularly, after participating operation, participants with interests and experiences present the greatest benefits on overall cognition, attitudes, and behaviors regarding edible landscaping. Participants who are interested in but lack gardening experience would become more enthusiastic after participation. Thus, they should be considered as the focal group to promote related concepts. Those without interest may strengthen their cognition, attitudes, and behaviors after participation, but the effect seems insignificant. In summary, this research proves that the experiencing activity is quite effective for promoting the concepts and practices of edible landscaping. However, participants could effectively gain benefits if actual operation could provide more diverse and adaptive alternatives.


Urban agriculture Attitude Behavior Cognition


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