  • 期刊


Desakota, and New Urban Region in Post-Reform China




With a view of globalization, this paper tried to explored the extent to which the China research of urbanization, urbanrural interaction and metropolitan etc., especially a main paradigms-Desakota Model. This paper found that this main paradigms ignored the restructuring of global space and new spatial division of industry, from many reviews of the empirical researches, and failed to explain how the china urbanization do emerge and how its mechanism do trigger? With review of the globalist opinions, then, this paper tried to support the new research of urban region, including region-state model and metropolitanhind land system. Finally, with depicting a new spatial model-industrial cluster, the conclusion will focus upon a new spatial restructuring that forms a surrounding region based on the concentrating on the Global City-which is emphasized as the key influence to china urban-region, and makes different spatial structure of post-reform china urban and region.


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