  • 期刊


Doctrine and Dogma: A Gaze at the Cosmetic Advertisements’ Creativities of the Beauty in Magazines


本文結合索緒爾與巴特的符號學理論,審視近一年《瑞麗服飾美容》雜誌中283 則化妝品廣告的美女創意。作者以「活動說」與「表現說」界定廣告創意,通過對部分「美女創意類」樣本的文本符號分析、及其與「非美女創意類」樣本的比較,證實了「教義變質為教條」的問題;亦從「外形與氣質」、「動作與姿態」、「背景與色調」、「版式與佈局」這四個構面解析了創意人員身受的意識型態「前期控制力」與「後期宰制力」,以喚起其對教條流弊的重視;最後展望了美女創意今後的可行趨向。


According to the Semiology theories by Saussure and Barthes, this study gives a gaze at 283 cosmetic advertisements’ creativities of the beauty in Rayli Fashion & Beauty the recent year. The author defines the concept of "advertising creativity" based on "a saying of an activity" and "a saying of a performance", then verifies the problem called "doctrines deteriorate into dogmas" by the semiological text analysis of certain "beauty type" samples and the comparative analysis between "beauty type" and "non-beauty type" samples. The author also analyses the ideological powers of "control in the earlier stage" and "domination in the later stage" that work on the advertising creatives through four dimensions such as "appearances and temperaments", "movements and gestures", "backgrounds and colors" and "formats and layouts", aiming to call up their attention of the dogmatic disadvantages. Finally the author looks ahead to the trends of feasibilities for such advertisements’ creativities of the beauty.


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