  • 期刊

Electrical Stress on Jarbua Fin Cell Line




花身雞魚(The rapon jarbua)鰭細胞株,JF(Jarbua Fin)cell line在經由不同伏特(20、40、60、80、100 volts)電刺激處理之後可以觀察到細胞存活率的下降。電擊處理下,在正極部分會有區域性的細胞死亡,隨著電壓加強會造成細胞死亡的面積加大。在正極部分的細胞死亡面積會隨著電擊後培養時間增加而擴大。電擊後瞬間細胞的氧化壓力增加,但是在長時間的培養後則觀察不到明顯的氧化壓力改變。正極的pH值會因爲電擊而降低,可能造成細胞生理上的改變。電擊可能會同時使JF細胞株的膜電位及氧化壓力產生變化,引起細胞的死亡。


The Therapon jarbua fin cell line, JF cell line, treated with electric shock in different voltage (20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 voltage) results in reducing of cell viability. Under these treatments, there is a region of death cell in the plus electrode which increasing its area when we increase the voltage of stroke. Otherwise, we observe that the region of death cell increases with the hour of incubation after our treatment. The instant when the cells were shocked the oxidative stress increased, but after long term cultivating there was no significant change of oxidative stress. pH value near the plus electrode decreases when shocked, which may cause the physical change. Electric shocking may spontaneously affect the membrane potential and oxidative stress of the JF cell line, thus leading to cell death.


Therapon jarbua cell line electric shock cell death
