  • 期刊


Combining Problem Solving with Cooperative Learning Strategies on Junior High School mathematics-an Action Research


本研究的目的是以行動研究的方式,探討在國中數學課室實施結合問題解決與合作學習的教學策略,對學生學習數學的影響如何?在研究方法方面,主要是採用持續比較法的質性研究,同時以量的數據做為輔助。而研究期間約為六個月,進行四個階段共八節課的相關教學活動。至於資料的來源有:學生的活動工作單、課堂的錄音與錄影資料、學生的課後訪談資料、研究者的教學日誌、學校同事教室觀察的場記、學生的態度問卷以及問題解決評量表。研究者將所蒐集到的資料經轉錄和編碼後,進行資料分析、比對和歸納,並與不同的資料進行三角校正,以期能夠將研究者的實際教學情況做最真實的呈現。 研究結果發現:本研究的實施,不但可以提供建立問題解決與合作學習教學策略的結合模式,而且也可以協助研究者更加瞭解學生的學習狀況並適時地進行教學轉變,更可以促使研究者進行持續性的教學反思與教學改進,促進研究者自我的專業成長以及有助於將研究者的教學理念落實於教學實務當中。此外,本研究的實施對於學生的數學學習普遍也有較正向的影響,包括:1.學生的學習態度有積極的提升。2.有助於重建學生以往的學習經驗。3.有助於提升學生的思考能力。4.有助於增進學生表達與質疑的能力。5.有助於提升學生的問題解決能力。6.有助於增進師生以及同學之間的互動。不過,小組的反省能力則有待提升。


問題解決 合作學習


The purpose of this research was to investigate on how combine problem-solving teaching strategy with co-operative learning in a mathematics class, and to examine influence of these strategies on students' math learning? An action research was adopted in this study: The researcher invited one of my instructing math classes as a case class, which includes? male and female students. The study was continued about six months. The date collections include: the worksheets of the students' activities, the documents, the interviews, the teaching journals kept by the researcher, the notes written down by co-workers, questionnaire, and the evaluation sheets of problem-solving. The researcher coded the date, and then analyzed, compared, triangulated and inducted them to for assertions. According to the results of the research, it is found that the implement of this-research not only help the researcher knows more about the students' learning situations, while changing my instruction at the right time, but also make me self-examine and improve my teaching. Besides, combine problem-solving teaching strategy with co-operative learning generally has positive influences on students' learning, which include: 1. promote positive attitude toward math learning; 2. help to rebuild the students' past learning experiences; 3. help to promote the students' thinking abilities; 4. help students to improve their expressing and questioning abilities; 5. help students to develop problem-solving abilities; 6. help to increase the interaction between teachers and students and classmates. Suggestions of the study has been included in the chapter.


