  • 期刊


Building the "Center" on the "Periphery": The French Jesuit Emile Licent and the Tianjin Musée Hoang Ho Pai Ho




In the academic field, the unequal relationship between the center and the periphery is a product of history rather than a natural formation, and this kind of relationship is not one which is forever fixed and unchangeable. This article takes the case of the French Jesuit Emile Licent as its focus, and analyses the ways in which Licent built the Musée Hoang Ho Pai Ho (a museum of Natural History in Tianjin), the tension pervading his scientific cooperation with the French National Museum of Natural History in Paris, as well as his struggle for recognition and respect for his museum in China.


Andersson, Johan Gunnar. Children of the Yellow Earth. London:Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., LTD., 1934.
Bernard, Henri. S. J. "Une méthode d' exploration scientifique: Le P. Licent dans la Chine du Nord et la collaboration des missionnaires", Bulletin catholique de Pékin 12(1925): 443-454, 1(1926): 17-23.
Boule, Marcellin, Henri Breuil, Emile Licent and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.Le Paléolithique de la Chine, Archives de I' Institut de paléontologie humaine. Mémoire4. Paris:Masson, 1928.
Dehergne, Joseph. S. J. "Lee débuts d'un naturaliste en Chine: les premiers voyages du Pére Heude d'aprés son Journal et ses Lettres(1868-1875)", Bulletin de l'Université l'Aurore Ser.3, 30(1947): 192-243.


