  • 期刊


The effect of different acute exercise modes on serum BDNF and interference control


緒論:腦源性神經滋養因子(brain derived neurotrophic factor, BDNF)對認知、學習與能量代謝機能有促進效果,過去研究顯示有氧運動可增加血液中BDNF濃度與認知表現;豐富的環境刺激亦能夠提升大腦內的BDNF表現,而就運動類型來說,相較於閉鎖性運動,開放性運動因其環境的不可預期性較閉鎖性運動高,其認知需求或認知負荷也較高。因此,本研究旨在比較開放性運動與閉鎖性運動對於提升BDNF與干擾抑制效益之差異。方法:本研究招募22位男性健康成人(年齡22.78±2.54歲),採平衡次序研究設計分別進行單次30分鐘、60%HRR羽球及跑步運動,並在運動前後進行BDNF與Flanker測驗。結果:單次羽球與跑步運動皆能顯著提升BDNF濃度,而羽球提升效果具高於跑步之趨勢。跑步運動不分作業情境後測之RT較前測快;羽球運動則顯著提升Flanker不一致作業情境之RT。另外,僅在羽球運動後相較於前測有較小之Flanker效應,且在後測比起跑步亦有較小之Flanker效應。結論:單次跑步與羽球運動皆能增加BDNF的濃度;而跑步運動能促進高與低干擾作業的表現,而羽球運動的促進作用除了降低干擾效應外,主要在提升高干擾作業的表現。本研究結果延伸過去研究之發現,支持急性運動對認知功能之效益,閉鎖性運動效果呈現全面效應(general effect),而開放性運動參與則對干擾控制認知處理流程有助益,未來研究可比較長期從事開放性運動與閉鎖性運動之BDNF與認知功能差異。


Introduction: Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is mainly produced by the brain and has positive effects on cognitive functions, learning, and energy metabolism. Previous studies showed that not only aerobic exercise but also enriched environment can increase BDNF concentration and improve cognitive function. Compared with closed skills exercise, open skills exercise created a more complicated and unpredictable environment which entail higher cognitive demand. Therefore, this study aims to compare the effects of acute (a single bout of) open skills exercise (badminton) and acute closed skills exercise (running) on BDNF concentration and interference control. Methods: The study recruited 22 healthy male subjects (age: 22.78 ± 2.54), who were respectively given acute 60% HRR badminton and running for 30 minutes in a counterbalanced order. The subjects were tested on both BDNF concentration and Flanker task before and after the acute exercise intervention. Results: The results showed that both acute badminton and acute running significantly increased BDNF concentration. Moreover, there is a trend that badminton is more effective in increasing BDNF concentration than the running. Similarly, badminton was more effective in reducing flanker effect than that of running. However, running resulted in shorter reaction time (RT) regardless of the conditions of congruency whereas the improvement was only observed in incongruent condition after badminton exercise. Conclusion: The findings extend the current knowledge on effects of acute exercise type and aspects of executive function by showing that both acute running and badminton exercise can increase BDNF concentration. Moreover, running benefits interference control regardless of task demand whereas badminton, in addition to the reduction of flanker effect, improved performance in condition demanding higher interference control. A call to compare the effect of chronic open skills and closed skills exercise on BDNF concentration and cognitive function in future study is warranted.


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