  • 期刊


Travel Medicine and Health Checkup for Immigration, Study, Visit and Work Abroad




旅遊醫學 體檢 留學生 工作與移民 探親


Traveling medicine composed of health evaluation, epidemiology, public health and immunology. There were an estimated 1000 million international tourist arrivals throughout the world. In Taiwan, there were more than 11 millions traveling abroad in 2013 according to registered data in Tourism Bureau, Republic of China. International tourist takes on many forms, including tourism, study abroad, visit friends and relatives, work and immigration. The knowledge involves international public health, disease control policy and our own health risk. In health check-up, in addition to history taking and physical examination, there has to be vaccination records and the pulmonary tuberculosis screening, which was determined by tuberculin skin test (TST) or interferon-γ releasing assay (IGRA). When the number of the foreigner workers or new immigrant in Taiwan increases recently, we found that the female foreign workers had higher prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis. This is important issue when we are in the trend of globalization.


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