  • 期刊


Factors Associated with Smoking Cessation among Male Elder Smokers




戒菸行為 影響因素 中老年 男性


For currently smoking men, the mortality compared with never smokers ranged from 1.2 to 3.4. Additionally, smoking cessation is beneficial at any age. The cessation rate of older smokers was 12.2-18.2% in 2012. However, few studies focused on the related factors of cessation behaviours in older smokers. The aims of the study were to determine the factors influencing cessation behaviors among male older smokers. A cross-sectional design using purposive sampling was conducted. A total of 211 male older smokers were recruited from community sites in southern Taiwan. Data was collected by structured questionnaires including demographics data, previous quit attempts, cigarette dependence, self-efficacy of cessation, motives to cessation, social support, social smoking motives, tobacco control policies, smoke-free home, social-norms, and cessation behaviors. Univariate analyses showed that smoking cessation was associated with the following factors, including age, smoking years, living with a partner, cigarette dependence, self-efficacy of cessation, motives to cessation, social smoking motives, attitude of tobacco control policies, social support and smoking restrictions at home. In the logistic regression models, cigarette dependence and self-efficacy of cessation were important factors of smoking cessation behavior. The results of this study would provide health professionals to develop the cessation program specific to the assessment of cigarette dependence and the promotion of self-efficacy in order to increase quit rates among older smokers.


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