  • 期刊


Outcomes of an Innovative Advanced Community Pharmacy Practice Experiences


臺大正帶領國內藥學教育朝向六年學制發展,第六學年各場域實務教學中之進階社區藥局實習課程屬創新建立。本研究針對103學年度第一屆學生實習,藉由量化與質性分析課程之師、生雙向評估、學生反思寫作、指導藥師觀察紀錄資料等,探討課程對學生影響與指導藥師教學觀點。結果顯示在22項對學生之評量中有半數幾近滿分(≥ 2.9,三分量尺),而對指導藥師回饋意見則有8項(61.5%)幾近滿分(≥2.9),足見藥師實務教學優良,身教言教兼具。學生反思寫作重點涵蓋本課程設定核心教學目標各面向,指導藥師教學觀察呈現學生朝「做好執業準備」方向學習,符合國際新趨勢。相信本課程新建構實務教學經驗,對培育兼備以民眾為中心與全人照護理念之新一代藥學人才有助益。


The School of Pharmacy at the National Taiwan University is leading local reform of pharmacy education toward the six-year schema (Pharm.D. equivalent) since Fall semester of the 2009 academic year. The Advanced Community Pharmacy Practice Experiences was an innovative course for the sixth year students among their advanced trainings at various practice settings. The goals of the study were to investigate the impacts of the course on students and to recognize preceptors' opinions. The study was performed, using archived data collected from the first Pharm.D. class, by quantitative analyses of preceptors' and students' evaluations (a three-point scale), and qualitative assessments of reflective writings and teaching portfolios. Eleven (50%) out of 22 statements evaluated by preceptors averaged 2.9 or higher, indicating students’ outstanding performance. Comparatively, students’ evaluation of preceptors and experiential sites demonstrated high degree of satisfaction, with 8 statements (61.5%) reached 2.9 or higher. Reflective writings submitted by students provided insights that core objectives set prior to course implementation were all accomplished. Most importantly, preceptors witnessed students' progress in becoming practice-ready for direct patient care, an evolving aim emphasized by the pharmacy education society globally. This innovative pedagogy would be beneficial to fostering pharmacist practitioners of patient-centered and holistic mindset in providing pharmaceutical care in the future.


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