  • 期刊


Evaluation and Treatment of Low Back Pain




下背痛 保守治療 疾病預防


Low back pain (LBP) is a symptom of diverse differential diagnoses. Physicians sometimes fail to attribute LBP to a single etiology, and so call "non-specific low back pain". It may affect physical, psychological and economic aspects. In addition to the comprehensive medical history and physical examinations, it is necessary to exclude the red flag sign during evaluation. Most LBP is self-limiting and resolve within 4 to 6 weeks. The treatment goals are to relieve pain and avoid pain-related disability. Evidence based conservative treatments include drug, injection, physical therapy, massage, manual therapy, health education, exercise therapy, and multidisciplinary intervention. Different treatment strategies can be applied according to the clinical course of LBP. Psychological support and correct disease knowledge should be given to the patients. Some LBP patients may experience repeated episodes. After treating acute symptoms, patients should be taught about health education and encourage regular exercise, which can reduce the chance of recurrence.


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