  • 期刊


Assessment Tools for Prediction of Functional Decline in Hospitalized Elderly Patients


預防住院老人功能下降是高齡社會非常重要的議題,找出一個適合臨床使用之篩選工具對實務極為重要,因為若可及早鑑別得知,便能儘早提供介入措施,助於延緩或避免失能惡化,提升老年生活品質。本文介紹七個能運用於預測住院老人功能下降評估工具,包括:辨別老人風險篩檢的工具(Identification of Seniors at Risk Screening Tool, ISAR)、辨別住院老人風險篩檢的工具(Identification of Seniors at Risk-Hospitalized Patients, ISAR-HP)、入院風險剖析(Hospital Admission Risk Profile, HARP)、照護複雜性的預測工具(Care Complexity Prediction Instrument, COMPRI)、安置風險的指標變項(Variable indicative of Placement risk, VIP)、檢傷風險篩檢工具(Triage Risk Screening Tool, TRST)、住院而失去自主的風險評分(Hospital Score for the Evaluation of the Risk of loss of Autonomy, SHERPA)。並分析測量面向、題目、計分方式、效度、與優缺點。期望本文能提供臨床評估工具之選擇及未來發展本土性評估工具之參考。


Preventing functional decline among hospitalized elderly patients is an issue of crucial importance in an aging society. Clinically effective assessment tools are therefore essential for early identification to help delay or prevent disability and improve quality of life in hospitalized elderly patients. The aim of this article is to introduce 7 assessment tools for predicting functional decline in hospitalized elderly patients, including Identification of Seniors at Risks Screening Tool (ISAR), Identification of Seniors at Risk-Hospitalized Patients (ISAR-HP), Hospital Admission Risk Profile (HARP), Care Complexity Prediction Instrument (COMPRI), Variable Indicative of Placement Risk (VIP), Triage Risk Screening Tool (TRST), and Hospital Score for the Evaluation of the Risk of Loss of Autonomy (SHERPA). In addition to describe these assessment tools including dimensions measured, questions, scoring, validity, their strengths and weakness. The article can help clinician to choose appropriate assessment tools for predicting functional decline among hospitalized elderly patients.


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