  • 期刊


Perceptions of Physical Therapist Students with Different Learning Styles about Problem-Based Learning


背景與目的:本研究旨在探究不同學習風格學生對問題導向學習(Problem-Based Learning,以下簡稱PBL)的感受,進而對其應用於國內大學物理治療教育提出建言。方法:36位在三年級上、下學期經歷傳統講述教學和PBL課程的物理治療學生,接受Kolb學習風格量表施測。接著由同化、聚斂、調適與擴散學習風格學生中各選取三位進行半結構晤談。結果:不同學習風格學生均認為傳統講述教學造成學生慣於被動聽講和背誦記憶,而PBL引導學生資料搜尋、溝通討論、包容他人看法、知悉多元答案。聚歛型學習風格學生均喜歡PBL,其他類型學習風格學生感受較不一致,並出現不喜歡PBL的情形。學期結束時,最終喜歡與不喜歡PBL的學生人數比例為3:1。喜歡原因與小組討論、資料分享有關,不喜歡原因與不確定感、學習疲乏、資料蒐尋過於費時有關。結論:不同學習風格的物理治療學系學生對PBL課程的感受不一。欲在國內物理治療教育中推行PBL,建議考慮降低不確定感、學習疲乏、資料蒐尋過於費時的負面因素,如此方能提高學生對於PBL的接受程度。


Background and objective: This study investigated the perceptions of students with different learning styles about problem-based learning (PBL) to provide suggestions for physical therapy education programs at universities in Taiwan. Methods: The Kolb Learning Style Inventory was adopted to assess 36 students majoring physical therapy in their third year of university. The students received conventional lecture-based courses in the first semester and a PBL-based course in the second semester. Subsequently, semistructured interviews were administered to students with assimilating, converging, accommodating, and diverging learning styles. For each category, three students were interviewed. Results: The students considered that the conventional lecture-based teaching emphasized listening and memorizing, whereas PBL motivated them to search for information, communicate and discuss, consider other people's opinions, and generate multiple answers. All the students with a converging learning style preferred PBL; however, not all students with other learning styles preferred PBL. At the end of the second semester, the ratio of students who liked and disliked PBL was 3:1. Students preferred PBL because it involved group discussions and information sharing; by contrast, they disliked it because of uncertainty, learning fatigue, and the overly time-consuming process of information searching. Conclusion: Physical therapist students with different learning styles varied their perceptions toward PBL courses. Therefore, negative factors, such as uncertainty, learning fatigue, and the overly time-consuming process of information searching, should be minimized to enhance students' acceptance of PBL, thereby promoting PBL in the physical therapy education in Taiwan.
