  • 期刊


Value-Based Physical Therapy for Low Back Pain




Value-based medicine incorporates three concepts: evidence-based medicine, comparative effectiveness research, and patient-centered care. Under this framework, health care is delivered based on scientific evidence while taking into account its cost-benefit and patients' preference. This paper contrasts the current practice of physical therapy for low back pain in Taiwan and the recommendations of nine clinical guidelines to determine if patients receive value-based physical therapy. The 2011 National Health Insurance Research Database were analyzed to show the utilization of different physical therapy modalities and compared the results to recommendations made by nine clinical guidelines. The majority of the nine clinical guidelines did not recommend the use of heat therapy, lumbar traction, and electrotherapy to treat low back pain but instead recommend exercise and manual therapy. The majority of the claims for low back pain treatment were for the treatment combinations of heat therapy, lumbar traction, and electrotherapy. Exercise and manual therapy constitutes lower percentages of the insurance claims. The National Health Insurance Administration should revise the reimbursement rules based on clinical evidence to allow patients with low back pain to receive value-based physical therapy. This will reduce unnecessary health insurance expenditure and ensure the long-term sustainability of the National Health Insurance in Taiwan.
