  • 期刊


When Test Met Scenario: The Comparison between Situational Judgment Test and Self-Report Scale on Scale Development


情境判斷測驗(situational judgment test,以下簡稱SJT)係模擬真實工作場域的各種問題情境,要求受測者從不同的選項中進行作答,從而反應出受測者所具備的知識、能力,或是人格特質或態度傾向的一種測驗形式,其主要特色在於擬真情境的試題設計與生態效度。然而,SJT的本質卻有別於自陳量表,導致難以符合傳統量表發展所規範的條件。儘管如此,學者仍致力發展出一套適合SJT的試題建構方式。因此,本研究從量表發展的試題產生、項目分析與建構效度之三階段觀點,比較SJT與傳統自陳量表的異同,並於比較過程中根據相關文獻,釐清SJT的設計要求並探討相關之議題,最後總結本文的比較與討論結果,以提供研究與實務上的建議。


Situational judgment test (SJT) is designed to measure examinee's knowledge, ability, or personality by providing the stimulated occasions collected from real settings along with options for response. The main features of situational judgment test (SJT) are ecological validity and scenario design for items. As result of the nature of SJT different from self-report scale, SJT is hard to meet the standard of traditional scale development. Nonetheless, scholars are still devoted to develop suitable approaches for SJT construction. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to compare the difference between SJT and traditional self-report scale based on three development viewpoints including item generation, item analysis and construct validity. On the basis of literature review, the related issues were discussed in the article to clarify the demands for SJT design. Finally, the article concluded the result of comparison and discussion about SJT and provided practical and methodological suggestions.


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