  • 期刊


The Context and Tendency of the Researches Regarding Sexual Abuse from the Past 20 Years in Taiwan




性虐待 性侵害 研究 脈絡 趨勢


This study reviewed 236 empirical researches regarding sexual abuse from 1985 through 2006, and analyzed the tendency of these researches by using descriptive statistical method. It was revealed that related study started in 1985, the amount showed increasingly since 1991, and reached the peak between 2003 and 2004. Based on amount of the bibliographical types of researches, we found masters or doctoral theses were the primary, government funding research reports were the second, and the journal articles were the third. Based on amount of the fields of the researches, we found the sequence from the most to the least were corrections, psychology, social work, medical study, education, judicial study, policing, and journalism. Based on the amount of types of authors, the graduate students were in the majority, the scholars were the second, and then the practitioners. According to the purpose of research, it was explored that the studies regarding the typology and characteristics of sex offenders, and the experience and the characteristics of sex offense victims were the majority in the past 20 years. The treatment process and efficacy, judicial program evaluation, establishing assessment tools, sex offense prevention education, and treatment program evaluation were popular topics recently. Establishing working model might be a topic need to be focused in the future. The experience of victims' families and the experience of treatment providers were the attractive topics in the past three years. The attitude of sex offense and the examination of mass media were the topics less to be reported lately. In the aspect of the methodology, the amount of quantitative and qualitative studies were almost equal, and minor of them combined the two methods. In view of the amount of research locations, the prisons and the prosecution offices were the most, and sequentially, the schools, social welfare agencies, communities, police departments, government agencies, hospitals, private companies, and troops. Moreover, with regard to the research objects, the offenders were the most, and then the victim, practitioners, data files, students, adults in communities, school faculty, victims' families, students' parents, and the disable people. The majority of research units were individuals and data files. It was found that the counseling groups and program were rare to be used as research units, and it will be worth exploring. Conclusion and discussion were also presented.




吳姿瑩(2010)。性侵害被害人在刑事審判程序中之經驗及社工功能之研究: 以成年女性被害人為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2010.02510
