  • 期刊


A New Vision for Community Development: Learning from Europe's Experience


有鑒於全球化在政治、經濟及社會議題上的不斷產生衝擊,本文擬跳脫地緣社區與事緣社區的傳統論述,而從國際在社區發展議題上的重要會議、宣言,提供一個較爲廣闊的社區工作視野,同時能夠以現行的社區模式,展望未來的社區發展方向。本文將以此爲重點,介紹西歐國家的發展經驗。「社區」作爲一個公民社會培力的場域,其組織培力與管理模式與國家、市場不同,不管在社區與社會排除、終身學習、多元利害關係人組合等方面,國內相關文獻的系統整理仍然不多,透過相關概念的介紹,能夠提供國內社區工作者參考。 本文主要分成幾個部分:(1)觀察並分析2007年國際社區發展協會雙年會在香港舉辦的議題及趨勢;(2)介紹歐盟透過社區發展建立公民社會的成果,其中特別是2004年布達佩斯宣言內容,社會排除議題並融入其中;(3)在社區工作的發展上,介紹葡萄牙、西班牙、荷蘭、英國及蘇格蘭在社區工作專業人員發展以及推動的情況;(4)介紹英國新工黨政府對於社區所投入的經費,社區新政及睦鄰更新計畫等;(5)成人學習與終身學習(LE)未來將扮演建構公民社會的重要角色,同時也逐漸與市場有所區隔;(6)介紹歐洲社會企業(social enterprise)的發展,特別是多元利害關係人組合(multi-stakeholder cooperatives)的概念及運用,以及瑞典運用在老人日間照顧中心等福利服務方案的經驗。最後,本文就上述的介紹反觀台灣社區發展的困境,並提出建議。 有鑒於全球化在政治、經濟及社會議題上的不斷產生衝擊,本文擬跳脫地緣社區與事緣社區的傳統論述,而從國際在社區發展議題上的重要會議、宣言,提供一個較爲廣闊的社區工作視野,同時能夠以現行的社區模式,展望未來的社區發展方向。本文將以此爲重點,介紹西歐國家的發展經驗。「社區」作爲一個公民社會培力的場域,其組織培力與管理模式與國家、市場不同,不管在社區與社會排除、終身學習、多元利害關係人組合等方面,國內相關文獻的系統整理仍然不多,透過相關概念的介紹,能夠提供國內社區工作者參考。 本文主要分成幾個部分:(1)觀察並分析2007年國際社區發展協會雙年會在香港舉辦的議題及趨勢;(2)介紹歐盟透過社區發展建立公民社會的成果,其中特別是2004年布達佩斯宣言內容,社會排除議題並融入其中;(3)在社區工作的發展上,介紹葡萄牙、西班牙、荷蘭、英國及蘇格蘭在社區工作專業人員發展以及推動的情況;(4)介紹英國新工黨政府對於社區所投入的經費,社區新政及睦鄰更新計畫等;(5)成人學習與終身學習(LE)未來將扮演建構公民社會的重要角色,同時也逐漸與市場有所區隔;(6)介紹歐洲社會企業(social enterprise)的發展,特別是多元利害關係人組合(multi-stakeholder cooperatives)的概念及運用,以及瑞典運用在老人日間照顧中心等福利服務方案的經驗。最後,本文就上述的介紹反觀台灣社區發展的困境,並提出建議。


Motivated by the great impact of globalization on political, economic, and social factors; the author moves beyond the traditional emphasis on local communities and businesses to suggest a broader view of community work, as reflected in key meetings and declarations of organizations addressing international social development issues. The relevant experiences in selected European countries with regard to community development are discussed and analyzed in the context of this emphasis. The community, defined as a platform for the empowerment of civil society, differs from the state and the market in terms of organizational empowerment and the type of management system employed. Whether from the perspective of social exclusion in the community, lifelong learning, or multi-stakeholder cooperatives, the author provides many new concepts that we can use to understand community development in Taiwan. The paper is divided into several sections: (1) Observation and analysis of the issues and trends discussed in the 2007 annual meeting of the International Association for Community Development (IACD) in Hong Kong. (2) Review of the outcomes of efforts to improve European civil society through community development-especially the 2004 Budapest Declaration, which addresses social exclusion issues. (3) Discussion of the use of professionals to facilitate community work development in Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, England, and Scotland. (4) Review of the community budget, policy, and neighborhood renewal plans implemented by the new Labor government in the UK. (5) Discussion of adult and lifelong learning policies. (6) Discussion of the development of social enterprise in Europe, especially multi-stakeholder cooperatives and the welfare service programs that Sweden has introduced for daycare centers for the elderly. Finally, based on the above discussions, the author reflects on the community development difficulties faced by Taiwan and offers some suggestions for the future.


The Budapest Declaration-Building European Civil Society through Community Development
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