  • 期刊

Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Amoxicillin Residues in Grouper Muscle Following Oral Administration of the Veterinary Drug



本試驗為進行安默西林在養殖石斑魚體內的藥物動力學及殘留性研究,並建立適當的停藥期作為養殖使用劑量與使用期間的參考。藥物動力學實驗以瑪拉巴石斑每日口投20及40mg/kg魚體重為劑量,連續投藥五日,殘留之安默西林以固相萃取及高效液相層析法進行分析。使用Mightysil RP-18 GP 250-4.6mm Ø 5µm液相層析管柱,流動相為0.005MKH2PO4 (pH6.8):Methanol (90:10),流速1mL/min,並以紫外光偵測器監測210nm波長的吸收,每件檢體的分析時間小於15分鐘。而以本分析方法所建立之安默西林標準品檢測濃度區間為0.01~10µg/g,魚肉添加安默西林的檢測濃度為0.04~10µg/g,平均回收率89.7%。魚肉中安默西林之偵測極限(LOD)為0.04µg/g,定量極限(LOQ)為0.1µg/g。由藥物動力學試驗可得,石斑在連續五日口服投予安默西林,於停藥後6小時(T(下標 max))可達魚體肌肉中藥物濃度的高峰值(C(下標 max)) 0.91µg/g(投藥量20mg/kgb.w.)及1.31µg/g(投藥量40mg/kgb.w.),而距最後投藥後72小時的安默西林殘留濃度,則低於本分析方法的檢測極限。因此建議養殖石斑魚以40mg/kg魚體重的安默西林投藥量連續使用五日,則停藥期應為最後投藥後五日。


Improper application of antibiotic chemicals to livestock, poultry and aquaculture species may lead to the occurrence of residues in food supplies. An appropriate depletion is needed after the administration of drugs to animals for ensuring that residues in edible tissues are below established tolerance levels. The study was investigated to determine incurred amoxicillin residues in grouper (Epinephelus malabaricus) muscle following oral administration. Dosed fish were harvested after five depletion periods, and muscle fillets were analyzed for amoxicillin residues using an HPLC method with solid phase extraction and UV detection. The residue levels in grouper after a 6-h depletion (T(subscript max)) were at the maximum 0.91 and 1.31µg/g (C(subscript max)) toward 20 and 40 mg/kg b.w. dosage. Residue levels after a 72-h depletion decreased to below the methods limit of quantitation after last oral treatment. At the dosage (40 mg/kg b.w.), we suggested that the recommended withdraw period was 5 days.
