  • 期刊


Reorganizing the Executive Yuan: Goals, Principles and Mechanisms


總統府政府改造委員會針對行政院組織改造提出:規模精簡化、建制合理化、強化政策的領導與統合、落實業務與組織的合理劃分及組織彈性化等五大改革目標及相對應之二十個操作原則。 承接政府改造委員會的改造目標與原則,行政院成立了「行政院組織改造推動委員會」,以規劃及執行行政院組織改造工作。組改會將同時進行「政府與民間夥伴關係」、「中央與地方夥伴關係」及「中央行政機關功能調整」三大工作。在執行規劃上,組改會的推動方向為:(一)目標、原則明確,以引領改革而非應付突發、零碎問題;(二)先檢討政府職能,再調整組織;(三)先彰顯效益面再處理成本問題;(四)統合規劃、分層執行;(五)時程策略清楚,階段成果陸續呈現。 本文認為行政院組織改造工作應該定位為台灣強化經濟的的重要策略、整體政府改造工作的火車頭、國際強化政府效能的重要環節。最後,並期許不要讓改造時刻消散。


Since its establishment in October 2001, the Government Reform Committee has developed five goals and twenty operative principles tailored to the reorganization of the Executive Yuan. The five premier goals are downsizing the government, reorganizing agency structure, strengthening policy coordination, harmonizing responsibilities with organizations, and finally, enhancing organization adaptability. Responding to the prescribed goals and principles, the Executive Yuan has instituted, consequently, ”the Organization Reform Promotion Committee of the Executive Yuan” (the Promotion Committee) as the coordinator of administrative departments to achieve the reform. The Promotion Committee focuses its initial mission simultaneously on three dimensions: the partnership between government and society, the partnership between central and local governments and, third, the reorganization of central government agencies. In addition, regarding the complete proposals for implementation, the Promotion Committee has identified five working directions. First of all, government reform must be guided by consistent, comprehensive goals and principles instead of incidental needs. Second, government roles and responsibilities must be reviewed thoroughly before its reorganization. Third, the benefits for reform must be identified clearly before dealing with the costs. Fourth, the plan for reform must be made in a coordinative fashion but its implementations may be delegated to all levels of governments. Finally, the government reform must be achieved with a clear, workable agenda and provisional achievements be presented to the public. This paper argues that the reorganization of the Executive Yuan must be seen as one of the most important strategies to strengthen Taiwan’ s current economy, as a pioneer program for more comprehensive government reforms and as an important linkage to the global stream of improving governance efficiency. Lastly, but not the least, the author cautions that the government must appreciate the ”momentum” for reform before its evaporation.


