  • 期刊


The Relationship between Practice Pressure and Sleep Quality of Nursing Students in Their Primary Practice


護生初次臨床實習的壓力感受是最高的,故本文乃以某五專護理科初次臨床實習學生為研究對象,以結構自填式問卷收集資料,再以AMOS 17.0版統計套裝軟體,進行「交叉延宕模式分析。旨在探討護生初次臨床實習不同階段的壓力與睡眠品質的現況及相關性。結果發現:實習四週期間護生的實習壓力均偏中等程度,睡眠品質平均值為6.09,其中第一週睡眠品質不佳者高達72.6%。而實習壓力越大其睡眠品質越差,但隨著實習時間增長,實習壓力下降,睡眠品質亦隨之改善。結論:提供護理老師作為輔導護生有關實習壓力與睡眠品質問題之參考。


Primary Clinical Practice is the first and necessary practicum required for nursing students. Many of them are under great pressure for environmental change and therefore their daily routine is severe affected. To study these nursing students' practice stress and sleeping quality, we took a weekly based running survey on 211 nursing students during the primary clinical practice period. The survey focuses on how much pressure they were facing on the job and how they managed it. We did a cross-lagged panel analysis on the two issues. We found out that working pressure is highly related with sleeping quality, and both practice stress and sleeping quality are gradually improved with time progressing.
