  • 期刊


Agrometeorological Environment and Disaster Occurring Potential in the Southern Region of Taiwan


臺灣南部地區農業氣象環境受地形、季風、海洋及大陸相關位置之交互影響,使其局地變異甚大,而由農業經營進行區分,本地區氣象環境應以西南部氣候區域為主,即冬季期間為乾旱、適溫、多風及偶發寒潮,夏季期間為多雨、高溫及數次颱風侵襲。當農民無法掌握短期氣象變化與長期氣候異常,則遭受農業氣象災害後常導致鉅額損失。本研究初步以致災指標評估臺灣南部地區常見之農業氣象災害發生潛勢:強風為平均風速達4~5 m s^(-1)以上者;雨害為單場降雨達100 mm者;寒害為氣溫低於10℃之持續時間達5小時者;旱害為逐月降雨量與其平年值之比例低於50%以下者;焚風害為颱風路徑沿臺灣西岸或臺灣海峽北上,且氣溫高於35℃者。了解並運用短週期氣象變化預報以研擬農業氣象災害因應防護與栽培管理措施,對農業氣象災害採取符合經濟、省工原則之事前應急與永久防災處置,及有效率之災後補救(助)措施,將有利於臺灣南部地區農業經營。


The agrometeorological environment of southern Taiwan was complicated due to the interactions among topography, monsoon, ocean and mainland factors. Comparing the agricultural management of the nearby areas, this particular area can be denfined as the southwestern climatic region of Taiwan. The weather was dry, warm and windy during the winter period, and rainy and hot during the summer months. Besides, cold waves occurred occasionally, and typhoons accompanied with heavy rain and gale occurred once a while. Understanding the short period weather variation and long term climate change, farmers can manage to decrease the loss from agrometeorological disasters. Several disasterevaluation indicators have been defined to assess the occurring potential of agriculture disasters in the Southern region of Taiwan. They were wind speed over 4-5 m s^(-1), single rainfall over 100 mm, air temperature lower than 10℃ within five hours, monthly accumulated rainfall less than 50% of yearly average rainfall, and air temperature more than 35℃ of blowing wind by typhoon along west coast of Taiwan or Taiwan strait. Properly use of the short period meteorological forecast will be helpful to the establishment of mitigation tactics for agrometeorological disasters and the management of cultivation. Adopting economic and labor-saving practices, permanent prevention strategies in response to agricultural disasters, and effective post-disaster recovering measures are expected beneficial to the agricultural management of southern Taiwan.


