  • 期刊


Skeletal Muscle Carnosine Content Correlates to Beta-Alanine and Exercise Performance


高強度運動會造成羧酸解離,體內氫離子濃度提高,造成肌肉疲勞影響運動表現與訓練成效。肌肽已被證實於體內扮演緩衝酸鹼平衡、抑制pH值下降,對實施高強度運動表現有正面效果。在未補充beta-丙胺酸前,type II肌纖維肌肽含量即高於type I達1.71倍,然補充後兩種型態肌纖維肌肽含量並無顯著差異;beta-丙胺酸的增補與肌肽含量呈正相關並有劑量依存關係,補充策略以10 mg.Kg-1,相當於800 mg的beta-丙胺酸作為單次補充最大容許量,每天最大補充量為6.4 g,持續10週即可提升肌肽濃度達80.1%。口服beta-丙胺酸對耐力型、最大肌力或一次最大反覆次數等高強度運動模式並無助益,而肌肽含量多寡與最後10秒的爆發力表現呈正相關,並可增進高強度耐力運動最後30秒衝刺爆發力表現。


High-intensity exercise will cause carboxylic acid to dissociate, raising the hydrogen ion concentration, which is among the factors of peripheral muscle fatigue that may affect the overall athletic performance and training outcome. Carnosine has been shown to play a role in buffering acid-base levels and inhibit a drop in pH value; its physiological function has a positive effect on the performance of high-intensity exercises. Type II muscle fiber contains 1.71 times greater carnosine before beta-alanine supplementation than type I muscle does; and supplementation of beta-alanine is positively correlated to-and dose dependent on the amount of carnosine. The amount supplemented shall be 10 mg.Kg-1, which is equivalent to 800 mg of beta-alanine for a single supplement at the maximum permissible level, and a daily maximum amount of 6.4 g, continues for 10 weeks, then promotes the carnosine concentration to reach 80.1%. Oral administration of beta-alanine had little effect on endurance, maximum strength, and one-repetition maximum high-intensity exercise. The amount of carnosine is positively correlated to maximum power in the last 10 seconds of high-intensity exercise, and can enhance the maximum power in high-intensity exercises over the very last 30 seconds.


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