  • 期刊


Effects of 12-week Group-based Aerobic-Resistant and Yoga-Resistant Exercise Interventions on Functional Fitness and Quality of Life of Postmenopausal Women


目的:探討12週團體有氧阻力(AR)及瑜珈阻力運動介入(YR)對停經後婦女(PMW)功能性體適能(FPF)與生活品質(QoL)之影響。方法:57位無規律運動之健康PMW(54.6 ± 3.7歲)隨機分成AR(ARG)、YR(YRG)或控制(CG)組(每組19人)。ARG和YRG進行12週介入(3次/週),每次先做30分鐘60-75%最大心跳保留率AR或YR後,再做20分鐘全身大肌肉群阻力訓練(60%最大反覆,1-3組,8-20次/組),CG不做介入。結果:12週AR與YR介入後之FPF(如6分鐘走距離平均進步58 ± 20公尺)顯著優於CG(如6分鐘走進步41 ± 21公尺),但ARG與YRG間無差異;3組間柔軟度、8呎立走測驗與QoL無差異。結論:這些結果顯示,本研究採用的ARG與YRG介入,均能做為提升PMW心肺適能、肌力與肌耐力之有效的健身運動方式。


To investigate the effects of group-based aerobic-resistance (AR) and yoga-resistance (YR) exercise interventions on functional physical fitness (FPF) and quality of life (QoL) of postmenopausal women (PMW). Methods: 57 healthy PMW (age 54.6 ± 3.7 years) without regular exercise habits were recruited, and were randomly divided into one of three groups (n=19 per group): ARG, YRG, and control groups (CG). Subjects in ARG and YRG were asked to perform 30 minutes moderate intensity (60-75% of maximal heart rate reserve) grouped aerobic and yoga exercise and 20 minutes resistance exercise of major muscle groups (60% 1RM, 1-3 sets, 8-20 times/ set). CG was not involved in any regular exercise. Before and after the interventions, all subjects were asked to complete the World Health Organization QoL-BREF questionnaire as well as FPF tests. Results: After 12-week of group-based AR and YR interventions, subjects in ARG and YRG on FPF (e.g. 6-minute walk tests average improved 58 ± 20 m) were significantly greater than in CG (6-minute walk tests: improved 41 ± 21 m), without significant difference between ARG and YRG in all functional fitness tests. However, the 8-ft up-and-go, sit-and-reach test, and four QoL domains following 12-week interventions for ARG and YRG were not significantly different compared to CG. Conclusion: These results demonstrate that our ARG and YRG exercise interventions could be effectively used to improve the cardiovascular capacity, muscular strength and endurance performances of PMW.


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