

Even though a spectrum of security solutions exists, the lack of knowledge about the exploitation methods used to compromise wireless networks is threatening the free and easy usage of wireless technologies in commercial world. Wireless Honeypot has come up as a recent solution to evaluate and assess the security in wireless environment at different layers. This paper surveys a range of wireless honeypot systems and tools that have been proposed and deployed. Then, it presents a general framework for wireless honeypot systems that encompasses a broad range of honeypot architectures, and categories previous systems according to that framework, highlighting the results of those projects. The results show that though an array of wireless honeypot models exists, none of them is able to provide full protection in real-time environment. There is a need for worldwide deployment of honeypots incorporating all the three- deceptive, detection, and deterrence mechanisms, to control the wireless attack scenario.


Deception detection honeypots network security survey wireless
