  • 期刊


The Comparative Study of Legal Evaluation of Evidence through Inner Conviction on Actus Reus of Forced Obscene Act and Sexual Harassment-A Critical Analysis of Judgment No. 25 of Changhua District Cou


性騷擾防治法於施行以來,對於我國二性平權之倡導,有巨大貢獻。惟在構成要件之心證標準形成,強制性交與強制猥褻於案例之演革當中,已確定其心證之分歧,惟強制猥褻與性騷擾之心證區分似有所迷義,於諸多案例,例如本研究所分析之彰化地院判決而言,恰可端視出此重要性。 過往以來,強制性交與性騷擾等罪之認定,主要聚焦於「性慾之引發」所伴隨之各項要件,例如「觸摸」與「合意(違反意願與否)」、「羞恥感」等幾項論點,本研究之研究方法主要乃以法學研究方法中之比較法研究,亦即我國、日本判例與學說之比較,另採社會科學實證文獻研究資料交互闡釋,以便於得證更清晰之心證區分。 承此,本研究之研究目的,乃在於目前混沌不明之強制猥褻與性騷擾之區分中,以比較研究中得證更為清晰之構成要件,除可對於程序上之心證形成能有助益外,亦可使得性騷擾防治法之特別法制訂,能有區分於刑法外獲致更多之成效。


強制猥褻 性騷擾 構成要件 心證


The enforcement of the Sexual Harassment Prevention Act has made tremendous improvement in gender equality. It has been widely accepted that, as shown in many cases, there is a clear-cut distinction between the evaluation of evidence through inner conviction on actus reus of forced sexual intercourse and that of forced obscene act, but not between forced obscene act and sexual harassment. This fact bears significance, as can been seen among other cases, one of which, a judgment from Changhua District Court, will be surveyed in this study. Traditionally, the criteria of distinguishing between offense of forced sexual intercourse and offense of sexual harassment are the various conditions that result in arousal of sexual desire, e.g., ”touching”, ”consensus” (forced or unforced), and ”being conscious of shame, etc. To make sharper distinctions, this study adopts the methodology of the study of comparative law, compares precedents and theories in Taiwan and Japan, and lends force from literature of social science positivism. The aim of this study is to find the actus reus for forced obscene act and sexual harassment by comparative study, the anticipated results being that clearer criteria for the evaluation of evidence through inner conviction be found and that the enactment of the Sexual Harassment Prevention Act be distinguished from that of criminal law.


高鳳英(2009)。刑法第224條強制猥褻罪與性騷擾防治法第25條性騷擾罪區分標準之建立- 一個法律社會學角度的嘗試〔碩士論文,國立臺北大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0023-1102200913080000
