  • 期刊


In Search of NGOs in Contemporary China: The Two Approaches and Dilemmas




Over the past three decades, the Chinese economy has moved dramatically away from the model of socialist planning and into the new world of market forces. During the process, the CCP has made a wide range of efforts to reform its institutions of economic and soical govermance. The result to all these changes is the emergence of a new set to institutional arrangements. The dramatic changes and significant consequences stirred by the development of social organizations have drawn much attention to the subject. The transitions have caused changes ont only in the economic and social structures but also in the whole perception of a proper state-society relationship, and more importantly, in how the CCP combines the introduction of market forces and the emerging social groups with tight political control. It is necessary to model and document exactly what effect are produced. This paper is discussing alternative approaches to Leninist transitions and noting some implications for further research. It develops a new framework named ”Post-Totalitarian capitalist Developmental State” to analyze the changes of state-society relationship in China. Instead we employ a framework that is based on the post-totalitarian regime and development state model. Due to the capacity of social organizations to challenge the party-state authority and the public good they can provide, the state exerts different strategies to control the emerging social forces. Accordingly, the social organizations are classified into four categories. This paper points out two possible approaches to search for the ”authentic” NGOs and explore their dilemma in China. The line of analysis seeks to explain how pluralizing socioeconomic changes induced by market reforms co-exist with the continued dominance of the party-state.


