  • 期刊

Policy and Implementation of Undergraduate Student Learning Assessment: A Case Analysis of University M


Establishing policies to assure quality has become a top priority for institutions of higher education. In order to ensure the quality of learning, universities normally set up a learning assessment policy which provide academic staff with regulations or guidelines on quality assurance in learning assessment. However, it is vital that the policy of learning assessment should be in line with the core principles of learning assessment. Issues of how the policy will be communicated, promoted, perceived and implemented are also important issues. This study takes University M as a case study of learning assessment policy, making use of interviews with staff and document analysis. Twenty-two faculty members have been interviewed. The interview questions consisted of questions such as what the faculty members know about the policy, how they perceive and implement it, as well as the suggestions they provide. The documents that are analyzed were obtained from University M's website and the Registry. The findings show that University M has established policies and guidelines on the implementation of assessment of learning but only four regulations directly link to learning assessment. Findings also show that the policy appeared to consider more about administrative management, and the purpose of assessment is summative orientated. It is suggested that the formulation of a learning assessment policy should take the learning goals of the institution, the nature of learning and the views and issues of teachers, into account.


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