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A Case Study of Two Children's Emotional Regulation Process in a Preschool Classroom




情緒調節 幼兒 質性研究


The purpose of this case study was to explore children's emotional regulation in a preschool classroom, to find teacher's roles, and to understand children's views of emotional regulation process. The subjects were two children who were six years old. The data were collected through observation, interviews and the researcher's field notes. The findings of this study were as the followings:1. During the emotional regulation process, the children's emotions were aroused in different settings.2. The children used different strategies to regulate their emotion.3. In children's emotional regulation process, the teacher played the role of care provider, coordinator, instructor, suppressor and non-participating observer.4. In children's emotional regulation process, the children were aware of their emotions, but they did not like to share and discuss their negative emotional experiences.Finally, this study provided recommendation for teachers and further research.
