  • 期刊


Determinations of Formaldehyde in Food Detergents


依據食品安全衛生管理法,所謂食品用洗潔劑,係指直接使用於清潔食品、食品器具、食品容器及食品包裝之物質。近年來,食品安全問題受到民眾關注,除了食材本身的疑慮,清洗食品、食品盛裝物件與食品接觸表面之洗潔劑亦是另外一項值得關心的議題。由於食品用洗潔劑之成分甚廣,而其中亦包含具有防腐(抗菌)功能之物質,因此本研究針對甲醛成分進行分析探討,以評估其是否可能造成相關之健康危害。本研究利用固相微萃取技術(solid-phase microextraction, SPME)搭配衍生方法,再使用氣相層析質譜儀分析樣本中之甲醛含量。本研究針對市售80件食品用洗潔劑分析之結果,有一半的產品可測得甲醛,含量為1.66μg/g~482.91μg/g(方法偵測極限為0.22μg/L)。目前,國內尚未訂定食品用洗潔劑中之甲醛含量限值,而為了民眾使用上的安全,建議未來可參考國外之相關規定,進一步考量將甲醛限值納入食品用洗潔劑之衛生標準中。


According to the "Act of Governing Food Sanitation," food detergents are defined as the substances which can be utilized to clean food, food containers, appliances and packing. The usage of detergents is needed for the dish cleaning and it is directly relative to the safety of food. There are many different components in food detergents, which are commercially available. In this study, we focused on formaldehyde which has been classified as a known human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). The technique of solid-phase microextraction (SPME) coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS) was performed in this study. Among the 80 detergent samples, 40 of them were determined with concentrations of formaldehyde ranging from 1.66μg/g~482.91μg/g, while the rest of them were below the detection limits (0.22μg/L).At present, there is no regulation regarding the concentration of formaldehyde in food detergents. To promote public health and also to improve the quality of detergent using, it is suggested that the concentration of formaldehyde in food detergents should be further regulated.


Food Detergents Formaldehyde SPME GC-MS


The Scientific Committee on Cosmetic Products and Non-Food Products (SCCNFP): Evaluation and opinion on: Determination of certain formaldehyde releasers in cosmetic products, 2002; Retrieved from http://ec.europa.eu/food/fs/sc/sccp/out188_en.pdf
行政院衛生福利部:化粧品中禁止使用成分總表, 衛署藥字第0940306865號公告, 2005; 檢自:http://nehrc.nhri.org.tw/toxic/news/%E5%8C%96%E5%A6%9D%E5%93%81%E9%80%B2%E7%94%A8%E7%A6%81%E7%94%A8%E6%88%90%E5%88%86%E5%88%97%E8%A1%A8.pdf
行政院衛生福利部: 化妝品防腐劑成分使用基準總表, 2005; 檢自: http://member.che.kuas.edu.tw/ABL/report/PArticles/20050722%E5%8C%96%E5%A6%9D%E5%93%81%E9%98%B2%E8%85%90%E5%8A%91%E5%9F%BA%E6%BA%96.pdf
中華人民共和國國家質量技術監督局: 中華人民共和國國家標準-[GB 9985-2000]-手洗餐具用洗滌劑, 2000; 檢自: http://doc.csres.com/data/pdf/qy/168/GB%209985-2000.pdf
Nordic Council of Ministers: Nordic Ecolabelling of Hand Dishwasher Detergents., 2013; Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/A00775/Downloads/Criteria_document_025_English..pdf
