  • 期刊


The Contribution of the "Amoy Romanized Bible" to the Taiwan Society and Language


現在長老教會中iáu teh使用ê白話字《聖經》,是巴克禮牧師對照原文所修譯ê,新約部分tī 1916年出版,舊約部分tī 1933年出版。一般來講,社會上ê語言使用tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ ē傾向執政者所認定ê國家語言,結果是漸漸放棄家己ê母語,改換做優勢語(language shift)。M-koh因為《聖經》chit本宗教經典ê翻譯,提昇民眾對家己母語ê自信kap認同,加上教會白話字教學ê推sak,hō信徒具備母語讀寫ê能力。「巴克禮譯本」中一寡年代khah早期ê詞彙iáu存在tī今仔日教會人士ê日常用語,甚至文學作品當中,發揮語言保存ê功用,mā成做語言變化上好ê研究語料。「巴克禮譯本」所堅持ê形式對應翻譯原則,也hō讀者ē-tàng透過母語來認bat基督教義kap猶太文化,對文化對比有貢獻。


The Amoy Romanized Bible (Pçh-ōe-jī Sèng-keng), now still used in the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan, was translated by the Rev. Thomas Barclay. The New Testament was published in 1916, and the Old Testament, in 1933. Generally speaking, people tend to shift to the dominant language and lose their mother tongue. However, the Amoy Romanized Bible enhanced people's self-confidence and identity of their mother tongue. And the church helped the people acquire literacy through the teaching of Taiwanese Romanization (pçh-ōe-jī). Since the Amoy Romanized Bible kept the vocabulary of an earlier period, it has the function of language maintenance and also became the best corpus of language change. Bible translation made the reader understand Christianity and Jewish culture through their native language, contributing to cultural contrast.


Band, Edward(1972).Barclay of Formosa.台北:成文出版社.
Broomhall, Marshall(1977).The Bible in China.San Francisco:Center for Chinese Materials.
Campbell, William、李雄揮譯(2003)。荷據下的福爾摩莎。台北:前衛出版社。
Stacey, David、林如心譯(1984)。聖經釋義的問題與方法。台南:人光出版社。
