  • 期刊

Ùi Đam San Sú-si kap Koat-chiàn Siraya Khòa^n Tâi-oân hām Oat-lâm Eng-hiông Kò-sū ê Sio-siāng kap Bô-kâng

Similarities and Differences Between Heroes' Stories from Taiwan and Vietnam: A Perspective from The Dam San Epic and The Fight of Siraya


Tâi-oân kap Oat-lâm ê lek-sú sī tit-tit ūi tioh beh kò léng-thó chú-koân, bîn-chok tok-lip kap pó-hō bûn-hòa jīn-tông ê chiàn-cheng lek-sú. M-chiah chiah-ê eng-hiông ahsī hoán-khòng gōa-lâi chèng-koân, hùn-tōa Hàn-hòa ê im-bô ê sio-chiàn tō chiâ^n-chò bûn-hak chú-iàu ê chú-tê. Ùi bîn-kan bûn-hak kàu tiong-sè-kí bûn-hak koh kàu hiān-tāi bûnhak, Tâi-oân kap Oat-lâm ê bûn-hak chhòng-chok, tiā^n-tiā^n kā tok-lip, jīn-tông hām bînchok ê būn-tê tek-piat tiám--chhut-lâi. Hoān-sè sī kú-tng ê lek-sú, ah-sī Hàn-jîn thóngtī kú lâu--loh-lâi ê sái-bóe éng-hióng--tioh ê in-toa^n, Tâi-oân kap Oat-lâm to-sò ê bîn-kan kò-sū bûn-hak lóng hông sńg-tng, phah-bô--khì, tek-piat sī kap hoán chhim-liok ê enghiông sú-si, thoân-soat ê ûi-sán ū koan-hē--ê. Chóng--sī, Tâi-oân kap Oat-lâm ê chió-sò bîn-chok ê bîn-kan kò-sū bûn-hak lāi-té, chiah-ê eng-hiông sú-si ê ûi-sán iáu pó-liû kah put-lí-á oân-chéng. Pún-bûn chú-iàu gián-kiù Tâi-oân Siraya chok ê Koat-chiàn Siraya hām Oat-lâm Êđê chok ê Đam San Sú-si , chit nng phō chok-phín lāi-té ê lōe-iông, susióng, chéng-lūi kap chhòng-chok ki-khá chia--ê. Lán ǹg-bāng ē-tàng ùi chit nng phō chok-phín koan-hē bîn-chok-sèng ê pō-hūn, in tó-ūi sio-kâng, tó-ūi bô-kâng kā pun--chhut-lâi, mā ē-tàng koh khah liáu-kái lâi gián-kiù Oat-lâm kap Tâi-oân ê bîn-chok-sèng, án-chóa^n tùi-khòng gōa-lâi ê sè-lek hām thoân-thóng bûn-hòa ê pó-chûn.


bîn-chok-sèng sú-si pò-tē-hì Siraya Êđê


Taiwan and Vietnam's history is the process of struggling to preserve the national independence, territorial sovereignty and cultural identity. Therefore, subjects in literature often indicate the heroes, the resistances against foreign enemies and conspiracy to Hanization of Vietnam. From folklore to medieval and modern literature, the themes of national identity and independence are always mentioned strongly in literary writing both in Vietnam and Taiwan. However, folklore of Taiwan and Vietnam has been destroyed and lost quite heavily, especially the heritage related to the epic and legend written about the heroes fighting invaders because of many reasons of the history, particularly the long-term domination of Han people. On the other hand, folklore of ethnic minorities in Taiwan and Vietnam has been sufficiently preserved regarding the heritage of epic and stories about heroes. The article is to study the story of Siraya hero in the Fight of Siraya (Siraya's ethnic group) in Taiwan and Dam Sam Epic (Ede ethnic group) in Vietnam in terms of contents, ideas, genres and poetics. As the result, similarities and differences involving in the nation of these two works are clarified. From these two works, we are able to better study the nationality of Taiwan and Vietnam, the way of resisting foreign invaders as well as the approach of preserving traditional culture.


nationality epic puppet Siraya Ede


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