  • 期刊


The Study for Sexual Deviance Forming Process among the Regressed Type of Child Molesters


本研究主旨為探討退縮型兒童性侵害者性偏差之形成過程,以期在性行為產生偏差前,能夠獲得幫助、導正,預防類似事件再次發生。本研究採立意取樣之方式,選取之研究參與者為嘉義地區退縮型兒童性侵害者共四位,其取樣條件為:(1) 曾對兒童發生過性侵害行為。(2) 受性侵害兒童年齡為未滿12歲。(3) 曾與成年女性有過性經驗。以半結構式深度訪談完成資料的蒐集,整理分析其生活挫折與壓力情形、情感依附之關係、對兒童產生性偏差行為與認知扭曲、兒童性侵害事件之危險因子,及探索兒童性侵害者性偏差之形成過程。本研究結果發現退縮型兒童性侵害者有以下特點:(1) 面對生活挫折與壓力時,無適當管道紓解壓力。(2) 缺乏親密伴侶情感依附關係。(3) 犯案前不以兒童作為性幻想之主要對象。(4) 不認同兒童性侵害行為,卻否認自己對被害人所造成之傷害。(5) 兒童性侵害事件發生之危險四因子為:情境壓力、負面情緒、解除內在抑制力、缺乏外在監控。歸納後所得之結論:親密伴侶的貶抑是造成男性尊嚴受損,並且走向性偏差之主因,其次在兩性關係上缺乏有效溝通,且社會、心理層面上屬於弱勢族群。最後本研究建議:應加強兩性互動與溝通技巧、增進因應壓力之態度與方式,並採取再犯預防策略以減少此類案件之產生。


The purpose of this study was to find the sexual deviance forming process among the regressed type of child molesters and to learn what would be the better way for treatment and prevention. The purposive sampling was used and four molesters of this type were interviewed in this study. The criteria of sampling were the ones molested the kids under aged 12 and used to have sexual relationship with adult female. This study used semi-structure in-dept interview with samples to collect the stress of life, objects of emotional attachment, cognitive distortion and sexual deviance toward child, risk factors for child sexual abuse events, and the forming process of child sexual abuse. It was found that the regressed type of child molesters had the following characteristics: (1) They did not have a suitable coping skill to cope the stress. (2) They were lack of the relationship of emotional attachment with intimate partner. (3) They did not fantasize children as a sexual object before their child molestation. (4) In their subjective cognition, they did not approve the child molestation behavior but they still deny the harm of their victim. (5) The five risk factors of children sexual assault are: situational stress, negative mood, alcohol abuse, access to vulnerable children and the lack of monitor. There were conclusions as followed. (1) The intimate partners’ belittling them damaged their masculine dignity, which was the main cause of the deviation. (2) They are lack of effective communication with female and also they are the disadvantaged groups in sociological and psychological aspect. The suggestions of preventive strategy included helping communication skill and stress-coping skill for the females and males.




