  • 期刊


Experimental Investigation on Sediment Regulating Capacity of River Notch




The flume experiment was conducted to explore the sediment regulating capacity in river notch. Different river notch scale model and sediment supply rate of the experiment is expected to show the sediment trapping and sediment reduction ability of river notch. The flume experiment with control parameters including contraction ratio, contraction length, and sediment supply rate to understand the sediment trapping and peak sediment transport reduction capacity. And the relationship between the sediment trapping rate, sediment reduction rate, and contraction ratio was discussed. The results show that (1) the contraction ratio is more effective than contraction length in sediment regulating capacity; (2) under the same sediment supply condition, the sediment trapping rate and sediment reduction rate increases with contraction ratio; (3) under the same contraction ratio condition, the sediment regulating capacity increases with intensity of sediment supply rate. The results confirmed that the river notch has the ability to trap and reduce the amount of sediment.
