  • 期刊


The Inspirations of Imagination Studies on the Field of Information Communication




想像 資訊傳播 研究議題


Information Communication has become an ascendant field in the domestic academia. Because its novelty and its cross-field attribute, few academic endeavors have been put on the macro and integrated perspective. Not much research has concerns with the talent development of this field, especially in the area of illusory-like topics, such as imagination and creativity. These topics, however, are not only critical to the field of Information Communication, but also would have a profound influence on the cross-field talent development. On the basis of the development of Information Communication, this study is the effort of exploring the possibility to make a breakthrough by bringing in the imagination studies in order to narrow down the identified gap. First, this study reviews the field of Information Communication and the development of domestic related academia. The relevant studies of imagination and imaginative education are then introduced. The paper is wrapped up by providing a critical reflection on the issue how imagination studies would inspire research in the field of Information Communication.


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Dewey, J. (1929). Experience and nature. New York: Dover
Dewey, J. (1934). Art as experience. New York: Balch & Company
