  • 期刊


The Way of Mahayana Cultivation: the Inter-dependence and Difference between Polluted and Pure Originations According to the Doctrine of Tathāgatagarbha




The Tathāgatagarbha Doctrine conveys untainted and contamination and intertwined by purity and impurity. All the sentient beings convey the Tathāgatagarbha Doctrine. If we turned the impurity into purity, then we reach the state of Tathāgatagarbha or so called the state of Buddha Pure Nature. The alaya-vijnana or so called "store consciousness" carries the seeds of impurity and purity. Only we transformed the impure consciousness into ultimate wisdom, we reach the innumerable merits of Buddhahood. The Doctrine of Tathāgatagarbha indicates that there is no distinction between purity and impurity; no distinguishing from saint and layman, no differentiating on Buddha and sentient beings. The compassion and wisdom of Buddha shall never neglect the sentient beings and his ultimate awakening can only be reached in the secular world. Through the dedication of purification to all sentient beings, we purify our spirits and eventually reach the state of Buddhahood. The place of bothersome is indeed the place of Buddhahood. By accomplishing the purification of secular world, we reach the ultimate awakening of Buddha. The way of Mahayana-The Greater Vehicle Buddhism proclaims that the states of secular and divine have not been distinguished. The spirit of pure, true and eternal state has not been separated from the secular impurity. On the contrary, it is through the impurity, we enlighten our purity; through the impermanent, we prove the eternality; through the present moment, we size the state of non-beginning; through the actions, we awaken our genuine intrinsic Buddha nature; through the earthly world, we reach the state of Nirvana-ultimate spiritual enlightenment.
